(10) Concierge!

The way this all got started is rather interesting and maybe even a good life lesson. It was better than four years ago now when it was that I first recognized a specific need that my clients had. It was not just a few of my clients that had this specific need, but rather every single one had it.

See, over the years a number of my clients had purchased not just one, but a number of annuities from me. And so what eventually happened was it became very difficult for my clients and I to easily keep track of these assets and the information associated with them.

There were policies all over the place, statements allover the place, product brochures scattered here and there, anniversaries, index starting points, crediting methodologies, gains, beneficiaries – all over the place.

Essentially what there was, was a complete lack of “asset organization” and so it was in that “mess” that all of this got started.

Way back in those early days, I recognized a need in my clients life and set out to create a solution for that need.

And solve it I did.

But do allow me to say that this never started out as a “revenue generator”, or a marketing system, or an advertising system, or anything like that. And I will say that this system, is in all actuality NONE of the above.

What it is and the principals it works on is something I will address in a couple of minutes. But for now, here’s what I will say: It accomplishes what the above both desires and attempts to accomplish – almost as if by accident!

And it does so in MASSIVE ways!

Along the way I began to discover that other agents and advisors and their clients had the same asset disorganization problem. So the next step was obvious: Solve the same problem that exists in the lives of others.

And thus the creation of the “System”… the pioneering Asset Transformation system.

It has taken all of four years for it to become what it now is. And what it is, is a “first of its kind” systemized “service” idea boxed up in a course that makes the lives of those who use it much more organized, efficient, profitable and very rewarding.

And it is the only one of its kind.

What you are holding in your hands is the “original” client annual review system. Prior to Asset Transformation, nothing of the sort existed.

As a result of this, what is fast becoming a high-value client-service “movement” that this course has single handily started, I am sure other copycat short-cut annual review types are expected to show up on the scene.

But, what will always separate the copycats from the original is the 4.5 years they never put in, and that will directly reflect upon the results the copycat systems deliver as compared to the blockbuster results of “original”.

Through 4.5 years of testing, we know what the Asset Transformation system delivers. As to the copycats, they will have to wait another 4.5 years to even come close to making any comparison.

What Asset Transformation does for the practitioners of the system, is to position the practitioner (you) as delivering a much needed high-value service to those you serve.

And “service” is very much of a missing concept in the world in which we live in nowadays, including much of the business world.

And so what I have found is those who master the almost lost art of “service” … are the ones who win! Whether it be large corporations or it be sole proprietors.

Long ago someone once recorded a principal in ancient manuscript.

Essentially, its an eternal truth, a working principal if you will, that if acted upon produces result and that is built into to the very fabric of creation.

And the principal is this: “Give and it shall be given unto you…”

Said another way: “Do unto others what you would have others do unto you…”

Science says it this way: “For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction…”

So “The Secret” to the system is in the idea of freely giving first something that is of value to you, that costs you time or maybe resource.

It is in this concept and in this universal principal, where Asset Transformation operates and is the fundamental reason why it works so well for the practitioners of the system.

Annual Review Million is all about “Service”, and to better serve those, that you have a client / advisor business relationships with.

Annual Review Millons is all about working the time tested principal written of long ago and to a great degree is much overlooked by many in our modern world.

And so here is what you can expect of Asset Transformation”

It is a “system” that by default and through the use of it, positions you to “Give” into the lives of others that which is of value. And by default, and through the use of it, positions you to “Be Given Unto”. Only because you first “Give”!

Do remember this as it is you proceed further in the course, because the above paragraph is “The System”!

In fact, I will remind you of this point regularly throughout the course.

I don’t know what your life philosophy is or if you’re a religious person or not.

But what I can say is the principal of giving always works! Its time tested, its not a principal of “man”. It was built into everything. And providence watches over it and sees to it that those who practice it also reap in it.

And so now that you know what the author’s life philosophy is. You will find this philosophy woven into and all the way through the “system”.

To some, this may seem “silly” or “simple” or not sophisticated enough or whatever.

What I will say is this much: I’ve been working the “System” better than four years … and with AMAZING result!

In business, your income will be directly related to the number of people you serve. And as Zig Ziglar says: “The more people you help get what they want, the more you will get what you want.”

Asset Transformation is based on the concept of “being willing to give first” and let the rest take care of itself.

This is how you build trust and continue to win your clients over in a what is a competitive market that bombards people with offers of a better way very regularly.

…So I guess the lesson here is one can never tell where one may end up with what was one day just an “idea”.

But I do know this much: If it is you look to apply your ideas in ways that solve problems for our fellow man, and stick to it, one can never tell where providence may take you and your idea!

So, look to become a problem solver.

Look beyond yourself and “your” world.

Look into the worlds of others to solve others problems.

Look to solve problems that no one else wants to, or is to lazy to, or doesn’t care to.

And in the process of sticking to your idea you will become the knowledge “expert” in an area that is unique to you. And eventually the idea you’ve been given begins to take on a life of its own when it is that you look to make others lives better with what you’ve been given.

And in doing so, people will exchange what is of value to them (their money) to get what is of more value to them (your solution).

So now this system has been GIVEN to you so that you can now GIVE…

That is where the treasure is!

Welcome To The Team!


Yours In Success,

Michael Gegelman

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