Version 2.0 “Expanded 12 Advisor” Beta Ends in:

The Amazing “Advanced Estate Management” Technology Platform And
Advisor Certification Program That Attracts & Converts
Review Your 17 Point “Version 2.0 Expanded Beta” Program Overview, Then Enroll NOW Before This Limited Enrollment Offer Expires Friday, January 29th At 6:00pm EST!
1. YES! I understand that Estate Transformation's Version 2.0 Expanded Beta is an exclusive and limited “private invitation” only fee-based Version 2.0 Advanced Estate Management technology platform “reduced advisor participatory requirements” beta, now available to an additional “12” advisors – meeting the following program participatory and suitability requirements:
• Two or more years full-time industry experience.
• Existing client file of 200 (or more) age 55+ clients.
• Minimum 50 age 55+ A/B clients (clients with additional asset potential).
• Adding new clients through effective new client acquisition activities.
• Grossing $150,000.00 or more in annual practice revenue.
• Registered Investment Advisor, Investment Advisor Rep or Insurance only.
• Offering fixed annuities, fixed indexed annuities, life and/or managed assets.
• One (or more) administrative staff members (or able to quickly scale).
• Commit to and sustain “2” A/B client appointments per week during a 6 mo window.
• Proven closer (able to convert and close asset opportunity when exposed).
• Teachable and able to follow clear and specific instructions (a must have).
• Participate in 8-90 minute LIVE streaming virtual training sessions (2 per week over a 30 day window).
• Attend weekly team calls (45 min each Monday at 4:00pm EST).
• Submit weekly client enrollment reporting.
2. YES! I understand that participation in Estate Transformation's Version 2.0 Expanded Beta requires submission of and attestation to:
• Suitability requirements verification.
3. YES! I understand that my participation in Estate Transformation's fee-based Advanced Estate Management Version 2.0 Expanded Beta, will:
• Magnetically attract MILLIONS in NEW assets through unique and dynamic marketplace differentiation!
• Significantly increase new client acquisitions, new asset acquisitions and value-added service based client file up-sell conversions!
• Quickly and easily convert competition clients through a high-conversion “asset-attraction” offer that no one else has, nor can offer!
• Write significant amounts of annuity, life and/or managed asset opportunity!
• FULLY monetize my existing client file through the easiest “service-based” up-sell offer ever!
• Create a significant NEW source of annually recurring Advanced Estate Management back-end revenues – in addition to front-end asset based revenues – for me and my firm! (.10% bp of total estate net worth)
4. YES! I understand that Estate Transformation™ is a MASSIVE “high-conversion” first-to-market “fee-based” Advanced Estate Management NEW asset acquisition tech-innovation – and version 2.0 platform upgrade, that will enable me to:
• Dominate the NEW client and NEW asset acquisition space just like Apple dominates the NEW tablet and NEW smart phone space! (hint: massive success can (and will) ONLY flow “towards” innovation, to those who create innovation and lead through differentiation – without innovation, as an advisor, you're a “sitting duck”, even a techno-dinosaur simply waiting on a computer-driven-algorithm-extinction event, not much different than the old mom-and-pop dino video shops Netflix tech-decimated and entirely CLEANED out!)
• Easily and MAGNETICALLY attract tens-of-MILLIONS in NEW assets through unique marketplace differentiation and innovation!
• Quickly and permanently convert DOZENS, even HUNDREDS of “competition” clients!
• Jam my calendar to capacity with “eager” Advanced Estate Management “fee-based” appointments year after year – that never cancel and that convert loads of highly-suitable NEW business 80% to 90% of the time – WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME ADVERTISING!
5. YES! I understand that your first-generation version platform (Version 1.0) has been effectively used:
• Since mid 2008…
• By more than 345 advisors…
• From Hawaii to Maine, and near everywhere in between…
• In THOUSANDS of client/advisor sessions…
• In the submission of DOZENS of unsolicited case-study testimonials…
6. YES! I understand that your first-generation version platform (Version 1.0) and it's Seven Advisor Case Study generated a total:
• 77 case-study sessions…
• $15,933,552.36 in total NEW asset conversions…
• 11 sessions (average) per case study participant…
• 62 asset-based session conversions (80.52%)…
• $2,276,221.76 in average highly-suitable NEW assets “per” case study participant…
• $256,992.78 in average asset conversions “per” session…
7. YES! I understand that at an industry average 7% commission and/or industry average 7 year 1% AUM fees, your first-generation version platform's Seven Advisor Case Study generated:
• $1,115,348.67 in total NEW asset based commissions and/or fee based revenues!
• $159,335.52 in average NEW commission and/or fee based revenues from an average 11 estate enrollments “per” case study participant!
8. YES! I understand that over a 6 month operational window, based upon your first-generation platform's Seven Advisor Case Study results, Estate Transformation's Version 2.0 Expanded Beta will encompass the following 6 month “12 advisor beta” opportunity targets:
• 12 beta participants…
• 576 total enrolled estates…
• $750,000.00 in average net-worth per estate…
• $432,000,000.00 in total “12 advisor beta” estate net-worth…
• $432,000.00 in annually recurring Advanced Estate Management fee-based revenue @ .10% bp of total estate net-worth (on-going back-end annually recurring revenue paid each and every year directly to our Version 2.0 Expanded Beta participants)…
• 464 total asset-based conversions (80.52%) (fixed and/or AUM conversions)…
• $119,244,649.92 in total “12 advisor beta” asset conversions…
• $8,347,125.49 in total NEW commission and/or fee based revenues (at an industry average 7% commission and/or 7 year 1% AUM fee)…
9. YES! I understand that based upon your first-generation platform's Seven Advisor Case Study results, over a 6 month operational window, Estate Transformation's Version 2.0 Expanded Beta will encompass the following 6 month “average per advisor” opportunity targets:
• 48 enrolled estates…
• $750,000.00 in average total net-worth per estate…
• $36,000,000.00 in total estate net-worth…
• $36,000.00 in annually recurring Advanced Estate Management fee-based revenue @ .10% bp of total estate net-worth (on-going back-end annually recurring revenue paid each and every year directly to each Version 2.0 Expanded Beta participant)…
• 38 asset-based estate conversions (80.52%)…
• $9,765,725.64 in NEW assets-based conversions (fixed and/or AUM)…
• $683,600.79 in total NEW commission and/or fee based revenues (at an industry average 7% commission and/or 7 year 1% AUM fee)…
10. YES! I understand that advisor participation in Estate Transformation's Version 2.0 Expanded Beta will be approved on a first-come first-served application basis only, and that by applying today, I will:
• Secure my application (and enrollment spot) by leaving a fully refundable $497 Version 2.0 Expanded Beta program deposit today! (this is how we respect each other's time, avoid procrastination, tire-kicking and secure your application – I understand this is a serious and highly-profitable advisor profit center that will only be shared with and licensed to a few proven and successful advisor operators)
• Receive “one” complimentary LIVE streaming 120 Minute Version 2.0 Expanded Beta Pre-Enrollment Strategy Session, with a certified John Galt Institute faculty member! (everything Estate Transformation Version 2.0 Expanded Beta related will be entirely detailed during my 120 Minute Pre-Enrollment Strategy Session – including: estate-based problem, platform-driven solution, beta deliverables, components, software, processes, client enrollment, participatory costs, fees and six-month revenue targets – via a live-streaming feed direct to my computer screen).
• Make a “YES” or “No” participatory Version 2.0 Expanded Beta enrollment decision during my complimentary LIVE streaming 120 minute Advanced Estate Management strategy session! (I understand that seats are limited to just 12 qualified advisors only – that thousands have already received this invitation, that seats will go quickly, and once they're gone, they're gone).
• “YES” means you're in! That you're one of the lucky Estate Transformation™ Version 2.0 Expanded Beta “12!” … And if so, then, here's what happens next: 1) member account set-up 2) software install 3) component shipping 4) platform certification training 5) enroll 48 estates over a 6 month beta window 6) drive MUCH higher conversions and a MOUNTAINS of NEW asset based and NEW Advanced Estate Management based revenues!
• “NO” means you'll receive an immediate $497 refund! Should we find there's not a fit, for whatever reason…
11. YES! I understand that Estate Transformation's Version 2.0 Expanded Beta is a “paid” Advanced Estate Management technology platform “pre-financial-services-industry-rollout” 12 advisor expanded beta, that grants and includes:
• Pre-launch “advisor licensee” participatory use-rights access to John Galt Institute's fee-based Advanced Estate Management technology platform and platform components!
• Six months worth of Advanced Estate Management session-based components, including sufficient component inventory for a total “48” estate conversions “per” beta participant! (8 auto-shipped AEM units per month, deployment months 2 through 7 – clients absolutely LOVE this stuff, and will “delightfully” hand everything “asset related” over to YOU for it!)
• “First-in-class” Advanced Estate Management software! (easy to use, elegant user interface, powerful charting and reporting features).
• Eight LIVE streaming (at a rate of two per week) 90-minute Advanced Estate Management platform “Fundamentals, Components, Methods and Deployment” licensee certification sessions (for me and my staff) weeks one through four! (everything Advanced Estate Management related will be entirely covered: deployment methods, estate enrollment, sessions, asset conversions, software, components, workflows, AEM recurring fee revenue model, etc).
• Full access to John Galt Institute's Monday Team Calls! (throughout the entire Beta, and beyond, each Monday at 4:00pm EST, John Galt Institute will host participatory advisor team calls for additional value-added platform training, Beta participant methodology sharing, participant success stories and participatory advisor networking).
• Full platform support throughout, and beyond, the entire six-month Version 2.0 Expanded Beta!
Estate Transformation Version 2.0 Advanced
Estate Management “48 Estate”
Expanded Beta!
(NEW Asset Expander Pack)
I understand Estate Transformation's Advanced Estate Management technology platform's “Version 2.0 Expanded Beta” delivers:
• “Licensee use-rights” access to John Galt Institute's fee-based Advanced Estate Management technology platform and platform components!
• “Eight LIVE streaming” (at a rate of two per week) 90-minute Advanced Estate Management “Module 1 Week 1 Platform Fundamentals”, “Module 2 Week 2 Platform Components”, “Module 3 Week 3 Platform Methods” and “Module 4 Week 4 Platform Deployment” advisor licensee certification sessions weeks one through four! (everything Advanced Estate Management related will be entirely covered: deployment methods, estate enrollment, sessions, asset conversions, software, components, workflows, AEM recurring fee revenue model, etc).
• “First-in-class” Advanced Estate Management software! (easy to use, elegant user interface, powerful charting and reporting features).
• “Six months worth” of Advanced Estate Management session-based components, including sufficient component inventory for a total “48” estate conversions “per” beta participant! (8 auto-shipped AEM units per month, months 2 through 7 – clients absolutely LOVE this and “delightfully” hand everything asset related over to YOU for it!)
I understand that should I carry forward the same conversion metrics established during your Seven Advisor Case Study (and there's no reason to assume I wouldn't, so long as I meet Estate Transformation's advisor suitability requirements and follow Estate Transformation’s easy Advanced Estate Management platform instructions), my six month Version 2.0 Expanded Beta “48” AEM sessions (units) would:
• Drive “48” estate conversions! (we're going to fully equip you with everything needed and show you how to quickly and easily do this – at a rate of two per week, during the beta)
• Gross a potential $360,000.00 in NEW .10% bp Advanced Estate Management (total net worth) fee-based revenues years 1-10 – from a total $36,000,000.00 in total-net-worth estate conversions! ($36,000.00 of on-going recurring AEM revenues each and every year)
• Net “38” asset-based conversions! (80.52%)
• Generate a targeted $683,600.79 in NEW commission and/or fee based revenues – from a total $9,765,725.64 in asset-based conversions! (at an industry average 7% commission and/or 7 year 1% AUM fee)
• All for less than one dinner seminar a month – at only $6997 in licensing and certification month one, then just $4997 in monthly recurring “Gold 8 Pack” business expansion auto-ships months 2-7! ($1,043,600.70 value)

Version 2.0 Beta Questions?
1.307.222.0707 Opt 2
12. YES! I understand that Estate Transformation's Advanced Estate Management sessions are to be offered to:
• All prospects…
• All “A” and “B” clients…
• All referrals…
• All seminar attendees…
• (One guy converts 100% of his seminar attendees into session appointments, and DECIMATES competition)…
• As a POWERFUL referral generator…
• As a POWERFUL CPA and Attorney JV generator…
• And, that by doing so, I will quickly, easily and dramatically increase NEW asset (and NEW revenue) conversions across the board!
13. YES! I understand that my Estate Transformation Version 2.0 Beta Advanced Estate Management estate conversion metrics could be:
• Much higher than your Seven Advisor Case Study advisors! (Most recently, one of your New Jersey based IAR's converted a $10.5 MILLION dollar high-net-worth brokerage client “straight” out of the gate – during his first estate session!)…
• Or, it could be lower! (Even if it turns out one-half or even one-quarter as good as your Seven Advisor Case Study, Estate Transformation equals an INCREDIBLE NEW level of platform and process driven success for me!)…
14. YES! I understand Estate Transformation's Certification Program along with my Version 2.0 Beta “Gold 8 Pack” Monthly Auto-Ship program hands me EVERYTHING I need to:
• Drive and convert a never ending AVALANCHE of NEW Version 2.0 Beta Advanced Estate Management asset-based revenues – on auto-pilot!
• Create a significant NEW source of annually recurring Advanced Estate Management back-end revenues – in addition to front-end asset based revenues – for me and my firm! (.10% bp of total estate net worth)
15. YES! I understand that all I need to do, is:
• Follow simple instructions…
• Deploy the platform…
• Convert a TON of NEVER-ENDING NEW opportunity…
• Rinse and repeat! Using proven Advanced Estate Management estate conversion tools…
16. YES! I understand that as a technology platform, Estate Transformation is “meticulously” designed to:
• Magnetically attract asset conversions entirely “unlike” anything I've ever seen or have ever participated in before!
• Deliver MASSIVE marketplace advantage while entirely differentiating me and my firm from all other competing advisor firms! (the type and kind of practice differentiation going on in Estate Transformation, is the Netflix -vs- Blockbuster and the mom & pop video shop type and kind of practice differentiation … now, just a few hours away from be delivered, via license, to you and your firm – this “one” platform element alone, is by far, “THE” most coveted advantage in all of entrepreneurship and business, that in-and-of-itself, once in your possession, is worth MILLIONS alone!)
• Operate at a level of efficacy, efficiency and scalability unseen anywhere in the financial services industry!
• Deliver an economy of scale seen ONLY in the franchise industry!
17. YES! I fully understand that as a technology platform, Estate Transformation is designed to:
• Drive incredibly high session conversions “exclusively” for the industry's highest achieving and most successful advisor practices!
• Result in an incredible INCREASE in NEW asset conversions and NEW revenues! (extreme high ROI)
Version 1.0 Platform Benchmarks:
Enrolled Estates:
Conversion Rate:
Asset Conversions:
Revenue Conversions:
Average Asset Conversions Per-Estate:
Average Revenue Per Estate:
Platform Benchmark Value:
Version 2.0 Expanded Beta Opportunity
Targets “Per” Beta Participant:
Enrolled Estates:
Average Net Worth Per Estate:
Total Estate Net Worth:
Annually Recurring .10% bp AEM Revenue Yrs 1-10:
Asset-Based Conversions:
Asset Conversions:
Asset-Based Revenues:
Average Revenues Per Estate Yrs 1-10:
Version 2.0 Beta Revenue Target:
Grab Your Estate Transformation Version 2.0
Expanded Beta “120 Minute Pre-Enrollment Strategy
Session” With A John Galt Institute Faculty Member
Today – Your Deposit Will Be Immediately
Refunded If You Are Not Selected!
Enroll Below NOW!
YES! Grab your Estate Transformation “Version 2.0 Expanded Beta” Advanced Estate Management 120 Minute Pre-Enrollment Strategy Session below NOW! You’ll receive “one” complimentary LIVE streaming 120 minute Version 2.0 Expanded Beta “pre-enrollment” Strategy Session with a certified John Galt Institute faculty member – where everything Estate Transformation Advanced Estate Management technology platform related will be entirely discussed, disclosed and fully detailed via a private, one-on-one, live-streaming video feed direct to your computer screen, and where all of your Estate Transformation Version 2.0 Expanded Beta program participation questions will be fully answered. Secure your enrollment application, 120 minute Strategy Session and expanded beta spot today – by leaving a fully refundable $497 member deposit NOW! Version 2.0 Expanded Beta seats are strictly limited to just “12” qualified advisors only! Thousands have received this invitation and open seats will disappear quickly – once they're gone, they're gone! NOTE: Should we find there is not a fit, for whatever reason, you’ll receive an $497 refund immediately! Enroll NOW before Estate Transformation Version 2.0 Expanded Beta's limited “12” open seats are GONE!
Independent Reviews & Ratings From The Experts:
Michael P., Caldwell, NJ.

“In the past two weeks I wrote $770,000.00 of new Annuity business from using the platform. Clients came in for their sessions – and I learned about the new assets. Oh, and $100,000.00 in insurance premium also!”
Bill M., Wall, NJ.

“I'm very impressed that you invented something like this! There’s no reason why every advisor on the planet shouldn't do this. $1,200,000.00 in annuities and almost $800,000.00 on the other side of the coin with variable annuities and brokerage accounts, pretty close to $2,000,000.00 on two clients! I just marvel at how simple it is and how the ease of use is and how right it is for my client!”
Paul T., Mobile, AL.

“I've closed 13 out of 14 cases with the platform. It’s really a good program, if you count the (session) one we did the other day, we've made $100,000.00 in 8 weeks. 90 to 95% of the time you walk away with extra business through this! Get the program and run with it, try it out… it’ll make you money!”
Robby W., Grandbury, TX.

“I have used the platform for one and a half years and am very satisfied with the product. It has helped bring in new premium, referrals, and keeps me organized and in the know with each one of my clients financial information. My clients enjoy having a tangible process detailing their financial information and history. It's an added service that helps my client's appreciation for our firm stay strong!”
Giovanni P., Harbor City, CA.

“Just want to let you know I completed my first session with a client and made a sale, $100,000.00 Indexed annuity! I also want to thank you personally for all your help with the platform and mentoring of same. This is the first time I have purchased a program that really works – and has paid for itself! You are a man of your word and that means a lot to me!”
Tony R., San Diego, CA.

“I have been using the platform's sample unit as a front end piece. People are impressed and I have two ready to come in for their sessions.”
Andrew A., Guilford, CT.

“I purchased this because I’m all about service! 20 yrs ago I came into this business from the ministry. I was all about service in ministry (not “sales”) and that is what I made as a conscious decision to run my business – by service! 19 yrs ago I wanted a good review process and report, as the large mutual company I represented promoted annual sessions. Over this time I have had mostly frustration in trying to come up with a good report. At one point, that large mutual company decided to develop their own software and used me as a pilot for it. That was good at first, but then they proprietorised (is this a word?) it and ruined it. Then, I had a good reporting system on a short lived contact management system; that was probably the best – but not without faults. This program is the best I’ve seen since. It looks GREAT! And then the added methodology and tracks/scripts – VERY NICE! As I said, I have ideas, suggestions and questions I’ll send later. Nice job – Thanks!!!”
Richard P., Bethalto, IL.

“Just wanted to let you know that I have picked up about $275,000.00 in annuity premium so far with your platform! I have just talked to a couple of clients who are retired and want to move their money into IRA’s. What a paper nightmare. I am just about to complete my goals for the year! Thanks again!”
Ron F., Chicago, IL.

“I have been in the business now for 20 years. In October, I had the chance to encompass the platform with my client sessions. Finding new assets and working on existing relationships was fun and rewarding. I produced $160,000 in commissions for that month! Best of all my clients thanked me!”
Doug V., Palm Harbor, FL.

“Started delivering the platform components – clients love it!”
Scott H., Hudson, WI.

“Using the program I picked up an additional $475,000.00 in fixed indexed annuity business – this was my first session!”
Tony F., Loves Park, IL.

“I have been implementing your platform now for the last 5 months or so and I am really enjoying it. You said that clients would look at the platform and ask me, how do I get my other assets into this? Well guess what?… That is exactly what one of my clients said to me when I showed him his concierge unit. He looked at me and said: “I need to get my other assets in this!” And we did – and I wrote business! “
Ron F., Palos Heights, IL.

“I've probably written somewhere in the area of around at least $5,000,000.00 in annuities and life insurance business with commissions of around maybe $350,000.00 to $400,000.00. Just for the month of May & June coming up here, we've got about $2,000,000.00 in the pipeline that we’re working on with the platform!”
Bill H., Argyle, TX.

“The number (of sessions) that I've actually done are five and I hit on four for we might as well call it $868,503.00, which would be about $77,000.00 in commissions! There’s no way I can’t write an additional $2,000,000.00 to $3,500,000.00. I know for a fact that this will get me to that $10,000,000.00 to $15,000,000.00 where right now I’m at that $6,000,000.00 to $7,000,000.00 level of annuities!”
Terry D., Roann, IN.

“I did my first one (session) last week and wrote $150,000.00. I went on my second one today and uncovered an additional $600,000.00! I got a business client that I have his 401K plan that I did an IRA rollover and when I went back in I took the demo (unit) and he started digging stuff out of his drawers, he says: “This is the most awesome thing we've ever seen!”
Mack H., Gainesville, GA.

“I received the platform components on July 15th – the very next day I met with some clients of mine that I just had term insurance on. I showed them the sample unit and the following week I wrote three annuities for $130,000.00!”
Peter D., Livonia, MI.

“Last week I had a client appreciation dinner and we had 55 people attend. Before the dinner, I made a short presentation in which I shared about the changes that have occurred in our practice; a short overview of fixed indexed annuities and a summary of ways we could help them. During this presentation, I used a brief PowerPoint presentation I developed highlighting our platform we were making available to them. We gave each buying unit a yellow response card and asked them to mark anything they had seen in the presentation that they were interested in getting in place for themselves. I kid you not, EVERY SINGLE ONE wanted me to help them with your platform! Since that time, I have been scheduling appointments and have not had any problem with anyone not taking my call. Everyone is excited to get this in place to feel confident about their family finances. I will keep you up to date on the results of these meetings, but I just wanted to send a big “THANK YOU” for your program!”
Peter T., Dublin, OH.

“I enjoyed catching up with what’s new with the platform. My partner and I have had good success – but admit we are just getting our feet wet over the past few months. >When we were able to do a complete session with the Suitability Questionnaire (great tool) and the Worksheet – as a prelude to putting the platform together – we had a very high percentage of moving money whether it was into Life Insurance or Annuities. The process gives you so much credibility with a client. I would say adding up the premium we have moved as a direct result of the platform, is that it is in the area of $900,000.00 – and we are just getting our feet wet! Definitely got our investment back for the program. Thanks for all your support while we were getting up to speed!”
Harvey L., Tamarac, FL.

“I see tremendous value in the program!”
Mark S., Littleton, CO.

“I got the program a couple of weeks ago and made time to go through it during the holidays. I am looking to get started on it after New Years. I love the concept and the software!”
Patrick R., Holliston, MA.

“Thank you for your honesty and professionalism! I have several friends in the business that your platform would be very beneficial for… I will suggest they contact you!”
Dennis K., Normal, IL.

“I am very impressed with your program materials – and I’m looking forward to a great year with this playing a big role!”
Andy G., Kingwood, TX.

“I met again today with one of my customers who were my very first session. The initial session was made using the George & Martha Washington sample unit “demo-approach” that you suggested to me about a month ago. This was my 3rd session with them – and they purchased a $250,000.00 SPIA. Thanks for everything!”
Bruce G., Naples, FL.

“I have written $293,000.00 annuity premium using your program. I would like to share with you my experience and how it came together using your gem of a platform!”