by John Galt Institute on January 4, 2019 in Estate Transformation “Who Is John Galt?”
Named for the iconic figure in Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged…
Headquartered in Charlotte North Carolina, the nation's second largest financial center, named for the iconic figure in Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged, John Galt Institute’s team of FinTech innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, financial advisors and business development specialists empower, equip, drive and support significant NEW client acquisition scale, AUM scale, revenue and operations scale for the industry's top aspiring financial advisor firms – while establishing highly effective and efficient best interest obligation and conflicts of interest remediation standards through John Galt’s innovative and highly relational Estate Transformation™ brand technologies and process driven 10X practice scale solutions.
Through its unique intellectual innovations, including John Galt's Estate Transformation™ brand Advanced Fiduciary Standard Of Care Practice OS™ 10X practice scale fiduciary operating system, Private Estate Reception™ syndicated estate enrollment events and Practice Transformation™ 3.5X practice succession optimization solutions, many of today's most successful advisor firms are, for the first time ever, able to fully optimize “all” practice related interests and operations, including internal regulatory and/or under law fiduciary conflicts of interest remediation requirements, best interest obligation compliance requirements, new asset acquisition processes, practice revenues, internal hiring processes, practice scale, AUM scale and practice succession targets – all while operating in and through a highly innovative and effective state-of-the-art fiduciary operating system and virtually impenetrable arbitration and/or private cause of action practice firewall.
Having achieved extraordinary success through its Estate Transformation™ brand Advanced Fiduciary Standard Of Care Practice OS™, Private Estate Reception™ and Practice Transformation™ technology solutions, John Galt seeks to advance free-market financial services innovation, excellence in entrepreneurship and purer forms of Capitalism – all while empowering high-achieving financial services entrepreneurs in the attainment of ideal levels of practice scale, AUM scale, revenue scale, fiduciary compliance scale, succession scale, career achievement, accomplishment and fulfillment.
In staying true to the spirit of John Galt’s innovation, excellence and philosophy of pure Capitalism – found in Ayn Ryan’s novel, Atlas Shrugged – John Galt is proud to assist and empower John Galt's “Clients of Capitalism” achieve greater levels of innovation, efficiency, scale, compliance, breakthrough – and practice revenues!
Our Fiduciary Clients!
by John Galt on March 3, 2019 in Estate Transformation Who Is John Galt
Exclusively servicing the financial services industry's top 25 percentile advisor firms…
Minimum Firm Requirements:
- Established Registered Investment Advisor, Investment Advisor Rep, Independent Certified Financial Planner or Independent Registered Rep practices.
- 5+ year registered business entity.
- Series 65 and/or Series 6 or Series 7 and Insurance licensed.
- $50,000,000.00+ in existing AUM.
- 100+ existing clients.
- $500,000.00+ in consistent year-over-year practice revenues.
- Combination of fee and commission based revenue.
- Two or more full-time internal administrative staff members.
- Professional commercial office planning space.
- 100% internal decision and control over business process approval and compliance.
- Personal credit score of 625+ (firm owner).
- $20,000.00+ in new Estate Transformation Advanced Fiduciary Standard of Care Practice OS™ revenues generated apportioned monthly to support, sustain and maintain 10X practice, AUM and revenue scale momentum.
Minimum Owner Aspirations:
- 10X scale NEW client acquisitions, AUM, revenues and operations.
- Prepare, fully optimize, then set in motion a 7 to 8 figure 5 year practice succession retirement event.
- Create an entire NEW, and substantial, source of reoccurring “Estates Under Maintenance” (EUM) fee-based fiduciary practice revenue.
- Dominate the fiduciary advisor space.
- Optimize, streamline and simplify fiduciary advisor compliance.
- Leverage State and Federal fiduciary standard regulation and legislation to your advantage.
- Easily accommodate fiduciary best interest standards and conflicts of interest requirements.
- Entirely differentiate you and your firm from all other competing firms.
- Transform competition conflicts of interest into high-conversion new client acquisition opportunities.
- Turn every new and existing client into perpetual new client acquisition referral machines.
- Establish a bullet-proof fiduciary cause of action and/or arbitration practice firewall.
- Drive highly-relational long-term client relationships while boosting client retention to as near 100% as possible.
- Driven and highly-entrepreneurial, having attained an admirable level of success – but looking for much, much more, including significant scale and the ultimate 3.5X succession exit.
- Independent, but not so Indy, that you're unwilling or unable to acquire certification in – and then fly – your own fully supported, precisely engineered, Estate Transformation™ Advanced Fiduciary Standard of Care 10X practice scale Star-Ship Enterprise.
- Fundamentally transition your operational roll from one of an “advisor working in” your practice, to that of a “CEO working on” scaling a multiple 9 to 10 figure AUM practice.
- Provide long-term reward and career fulfillment for your team, including your 3.5X practice succession junior advisor candidates.
- Exit your firm, at practice succession, a multi-millionaire.
- Willing to make a minimum 60 month commitment to attain and achieve the above.
- Run with what is already set-and-ready to go instead of spending the next 10-15 years bruising your head against a stone wall trying to figure this out! [1]
[1] Been there, done that, and did it – so believe us when we say this because there is no getting around it: The barrier to self-made 10X practice scale entry is absolutely HUGE. At at least 10-15 years of full-time “engineering the wheel” development, economic model development, software development, processes development, component development, SOPs development, estate enrollment model development, viral referral model development, endless trial-and-error testing across hundreds of advisor practices and thousands of clients, plus 7 figures (or more) in R&D to come anywhere near figuring this out – you really, Really, REALLY, want to just simply grab the keys and run with what's already figured out and is set-and-ready to go!
Our Purpose!
by John Galt on January 4, 2017 in Estate Transformation Who Is John Galt
To honor God. To serve others. To innovate. To enhance. To pursue excellence. To scale. To grow profitably…
Our Values:
- Accountability
- Consistency
- Courage and Conviction
- Discipline
- Honesty and Integrity
- Humility
- Morality
- Optimism
- Respectfulness
- Supportiveness
Our Actions Will Reflect Our Values And Support Our Purpose:
We Will …
- Be open and honest in everything we do.
- Have passion for our marketplace, products, licensees and our clients.
- Fully vet, test and proof-of-concept all of our products and services prior to end user licensee distribution.
- Partner with our licensees and clients to deliver mutually beneficial results.
- Do what we say we are going to do.
- Be committed to teamwork.
- Practice humility by putting others first.
- Accept responsibility when we make mistakes, and be quick to forgive others.
- Be responsible stewards of our financial, environmental and other resources.
- Be focused on quality, service and innovation.
- Have clear objectives, measure results and celebrate success.
- Support, encourage and respect our fellow team members and licensees.
- Value and cultivate virtue, goodness and kindness in our organization.
- Be a learning organization, committed to the continual development of ourselves and others.
- Compete vigorously and fairly in the marketplace.
- Not tolerate politically motivated behavior.
- Make fact based decisions in the long-term best interest of our licensees, clients and our business.
- Relentlessly focus on timely, thoughtful execution.
- Inspire and motivate those around us.
- Strengthen our industry and support our communities.
Our Goals:
We Will Strive To …
- Develop, sell and deliver innovative products and services better than anyone else.
- Develop servant leaders.
- Build personal and trusting relationships.
- Deliver exceptional advanced fiduciary standard of care, practice scale, practice succession and estate settlement financial services industry innovation.
- Build long-term value for our licensees and clients.
- Provide long-term rewards for our team members.
- Generate long-term profitable growth for our licensees, team members and business.
Our Social Mission!
by John Galt on February 18, 2020 in Estate Transformation Who Is John Galt
- Our social mission pledges that we will donate up to $18,000.00 in estate related conflicts of interest remediation value to every qualified estate owner whom attends our Private Estate Reception events. This is to equip families, their estates, executors and heirs with the tools and resources necessary to successfully navigate the complications and challenges every estate and family legacy faces as we age…
Our Corporate Mission!
by John Galt on March 3, 2019 in Estate Transformation Who Is John Galt
- Transforming Advisor Practices Into Multi-Million-Dollar Valuation Succession Exit Machines…
- Transforming Advisor Practices Into Conflicts Of Interest Free 10X In AUM Estate Enrollment Machines…
- Transforming Family Estates Into Fully Optimized Conflicts Of Interest Free Legacy Building Asset Accumulation Family Inheritance Machines…
Our Paired Results!
by John Galt on March 3, 2019 in Estate Transformation Who Is John Galt
- High-ROI Advance Fiduciary Standard of Care Estate Enrollment Technologies, Funnels, Components And Processes Driving Significant Practice Scale, Revenue Growth And Succession Valuation Optimization…
- High-ROI Advance Fiduciary Standard of Care Estate Enrollment Events, Technologies, Components And Processes Driving Significant Practice Scale, Revenue Growth And Succession Optimization…
- High-Efficiency Conflicts of Interest Remediation Technologies, Components And Processes Driving Best Interest Asset Expansion, Executor Administration, Estate Management And Legacy Building Estate Settlement Transition…
Raw, Unabridged, Case-Study Interview Footage Of What Is Possible When You Get On The Right Side Of Estate Transformation's “Conflicts Of Interest Free” 10X In AUM Estate “Enrollment Machines” Practice Scale Curve!

Enter Above NOW And Open Your Eyes To A MASSIVE And Highly-Scalable *NEW* World of “Conflicts of Interest FREE” 10X In AUM Advisor Opportunity…