The Amazing “Advanced Estate Management” Technology Platform And
Advisor Certification Program That Attracts & Converts
Advisor Certification Program That Attracts & Converts
Please Enter, Then Submit Your Estate Transformation Advanced Estate Management “Certification Program” Suitability Verification!
Note: Advanced Estate Management Certification Program admittance requires any “one” the following suitability criteria: (1) advisors with two or more years full-time industry experience submitting $2,000,000.00 or more in annual fixed assets (2) advisors with two or more years full-time industry experience managing no less than $15,000,000.00 in AUM (3) advisors with two or more years full-time industry experience grossing $150,000.00 or more in asset-based annual practice revenue. Please take a few minutes to complete Estate Transformation's advisor suitability form below. The information you share will be held in complete confidence and will help us better understand you, your goals and will make for a more tailored and personal “Certification Program” experience.
(Insert Auto-Populated “Certification Program” Suitability Verification Form Here)
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address 1: *
Address 2: *
City: *
State: *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Company *
Email Address *
Annual Fixed Asset Submissions? (totals) *
Annual Fixed Asset Mix? (types & percentages) *
Assets Under Management? *
Managed Asset Mix? (types & percentages) *
Annual Asset-Based Practice Revenues? (totals) *
Asset-Based Revenue Mix? (revenue percentages) *
Briefly Describe Your Current New Client Acquisition Activities? *
Once In Front of A Prospective Client, Briefly Describe Your Client Conversion Platform? *
Briefly Describe How We Can Best Help You Get Your Practice To The Next Level? *
Where Do You See Your Practice Revenues Going In The Next 6 to 12 Months? *
What's Going To Prevent This From Happening? *
Digital Signature *
Today's Date and Time *
* Required Fields