A massive NEW consumer driven trend is now underway here in the “good-ol” US of A!
According the latest data compiled by the research firm Cerulli Associates, millionaires are pulling money “in droves” from brand-name U.S. brokerage houses and moving their assets to smaller private client, or independent, type firms that they perceive as safe havens.
This research data is compelling…
What's more, Cerulli's research tremendously substantiates the incredible NEW opportunity in front of you – as high-net-worth individuals will eagerly move assets from Brokerage America to you, the independent Asset Transformation Private Client Concierge boutique shop advisor operator!
Two recent and excellent case studies that fully support Cerulli's research is Ken Fisher's Private Client Management firm Fisher Investments, based in Woodside, CA – and Steve A., one of our recent Private Client Concierge platform independent advisor licensees based in Haddonfield, New Jersey.
First, I'll give you the quick on Steve and what he experienced with his first two concierge sessions, and then we'll jump to Ken Fisher…
Now, if you know anything about Steve, you'll know that he's a very decisive, successful, no-excuses, take “massive action” go-getter type of guy.
And just like you, Steve enrolled in our Private Client Concierge program; and we get him through the advanced knowledge program, into a couple of coaching calls – and then this is where it gets interesting…
During our second coaching call Steve begins to share how he's been attempting to convert a $10,000,000.00 high-net worth Merrill Lynch prospect forever – to no avail.
Steve tells me that he's already done business with family members, but has never been able to crack the code with her.
And, that she was going to be coming into his office for another appointment the coming week…
Now, during the coaching call, Steve has component parts of the platform spread out on his desk.
While looking at the components on his desk, he kind of excitedly tells me: “Mike, I think this is going to crack the code with her! Next week when she comes in, I'm going to do one of your concierge demo sessions – and I'll let you know how it goes…”
And shortly thereafter we wrapped up the call.
Then, one week later, Steve delivers the news…the GOOD news!
During the demo session, Steve tells me that she was all over the concierge platform – and couldn't wait for Steve to get her in it.
And so that day, Private Client Concierge – made all the difference for Steve.
It became Steve's $10,000,000.00 “differentiator!”
Think about that for a minute…
What did she finally see in Steve that made all the difference?
Prior to this, and during a number of previous appointments, she didn't see a whole lot of difference between Steve and Merrill Lynch.
But, with this, she made the move!
Steve tells me that the planning opportunities with her are “endless!”
For starters, Merrill Lynch had her leveraged to the hilt in equities – while she has an estate worth MILLIONS and a MASSIVE estate tax problem that Merrill Lynch did nothing about.
And this is the kind of “stuff” that flows out of Asset Transformation!
Oh, and by the way, Steve's second concierge session?
…It converted another high-net-worth prospect worth $1,500,000.00!
Not too bad! Two Private Client Concierge session and $11,500,000.00 in new high-net-worth assets.
Can you imagine what Steve's first two concierge sessions meant in new revenue?
See, operating “in common”, as the common crowd operates, is a highly and exceptionally disadvantaged position for you.
Ken Fisher of Fisher Investments absolutely refuses and will never be found operating in common.
Yet, even though his firm operates out of California, at this very moment, Ken Fisher is working on converting your clients.
And how he does it, is Ken Fisher “differentiates!”
Now, as for Fisher's historical track record – well, I'll leave that up to Fisher Investments…
But, as for the differentiation and “conversion” lessons, it would be very wise to pay attention.
…Back to the Cerulli's research – with our Steve A. and Ken Fisher lessons in mind.
So, what do YOU offer prospects and clients that fundamentally differentiates YOU from what is “in” common?
Whatever it may or may not be, the answer will not be found in planning, nor in financial products, nor in designations, nor certifications – as there is an overwhelming overabundance of such highly-competitive “in common” commodities.
No, as we, Ken Fisher and Steve A. have all discovered, the answer is found in fundamental differentiation…
It's found in operating “up” in a “class” completely of your own.
And, here's what's even more “behaviorally” remarkable about all of this…
According to B.F. Skinner – the famed philosopher associated with the theory of behaviorism – human beings respond predictably to stimuli, and those who control the stimuli control the outcome.
Skinner’s behaviorism theory implies that there is no free will as commonly conceived, only responses to perceived pleasures and pains.
The basic idea, according to Skinner, is that if you want to solve a certain behavioral problem, you must make certain the negative effects of the behavioral problem is realized and the rational opposing and opposite behavioral solution rewarded.
And over time, the behavioral problem disappears, because it eventually conditions the individual to realize that the negative behavioral issues can only lead to more problems.
Okay so, think for a moment about the concierge interviews you just heard and how you heard each advisor describe how their clients reacted – and the remarkable outcomes each advisor was able to obtain through the advanced knowledge and the Private Client Concierge platform we put them into…
And, how the results of this platform perfectly epitomizes Skinner’s behaviorism theory and the predictability of human behavior.
In the case studies interviews you'll find throughout Asset Transformation's advanced knowledge area, Skinner’s behaviorism theory and the predictability of human behavior is perfectly exemplified by an established 80% concierge session conversion rate!
And then think for a moment about the interviews you heard here in this module…
Think about Steve A's $11,500.000.00 two-session case study that I shared with you just a few minutes ago.
Think about Ken Fisher, and the remarkable level of behavioral success he's created – and the complete and total multiple BILLIONS in assets under management “class of his own” in which Fisher Investments operates.
And then think about “Asset Transformation”…
(Go to the next training below!)