So what exactly is specialized business knowledge?
And where can you get it?
More importantly, where can you get specialized financial services business knowledge, where you don't have to spend years and hundreds of thousands of dollars acquiring it – but that makes a huge difference in your career, in your business and in your bottom line?
Better yet, where can you get specialized financial services business education that, like a laser – zeros in on a highly specialized and rare practice most in the industry know nothing of – that creates a significant competitive advantage, plus a substantial and quick increase in NEW revenue?
Well, you could do what I and every franchise operation in the country have done, and spend almost ten years developing such.
Or, spend twenty years reading and studying hundreds of books about systems design, software development, psychology, direct response marketing, copywriting, etc.
…And purchasing all sorts of trainings on these topics.
But, actually, I've a much better and more convenient idea – and that is Asset Transformation's specialized knowledge training modules 1, 2, 3 and 4!
Our 30 day in-depth advanced education and specialized knowledge program – in the highly-profitable and rare practice of “Private Client Concierge”.
Where, in just three short weeks, you'll be certified into – and fully operational in a unique, high-conversion service and platform everyone in your marketplace desperately needs – and wants – and where you'll quickly and easily adopt NEW ways of thinking, NEW sets of actions, behaviors and processes – that'll dramatically increase assets under management, new asset conversions and new client acquisition opportunities – while significantly increasing your income both the short and long run!
And, I'm completely convinced you can do this, with our help, by getting 10 years worth of developmental innovation – and short cuts – through this specialized knowledge and advanced training program.
So, let's talk a moment about the format of your “specialized” knowledge program.
All the main training modules are conveniently delivered to you online, in convenient bite-sized coaching modules – in the cloud – to your computer from the comfort of your home or office, and on YOUR schedule.
The entire program is designed to accommodate a busy advisor schedule, in a busy office, through daily “bite-sized” 30 minute (or so) trainings – and have you entirely fully platform operational and into significant new revenues within four weeks of enrollment.
All from inside of this, your exclusive advanced coaching members area.
Now, should you desire to just dive in and knock out each weekly training module in one sitting – well, go for it! The faster the action, the quicker you move, the quicker you'll get to new revenue…
You'll get an assortment of streaming audio content, streaming video content, live streaming events, written training content, specific time-tested concierge processes along with lifetime use rights to highly refined and proven Private Client Concierge components.
Plus, you'll have an assortment of advisor interviews, in each module, where you get hear first hand from real-life advisors, who've each went before you having deployed, and them describing their individual outcomes.
And this is an important part of acquiring specialized knowledge – that is, as you're moving though and acquiring the new knowledge, you being able to hear others describe the outcomes they've experienced as they've went on to deploy what you're now just beginning to assimilate.
You'll start out here, in Module 1 Week 1 with me – where I'm going to walk you through all the key mindset and foundational principals during week one – while you're sort of “kick'n the tires” during your trial period.
Then, we'll move on into Module 2 Week 2 – where one of my staff members will be shipping to you, via Ground UPS, a total of “eight” deployable Private Client Concierge Units (your initial certification starter supply) and where each day I'm going to walk you through each individual component of the platform – five components in all – and how to tie the entire platform together into an incredibly effective revenue machine, with full access to Module 2 immediately following your first installment.
Week two we'll be diving into the following platform components: (1) the Concierge Kit (2) the Connoisseur Kit (3) the Suitability Component (4) the Inventory Component, and (5) the Software Component – five components in all.
From there, we'll move into Module 3 Week 3 – where we'll dive into all of the key methods – a total of “nine” separate specialized business development methods, or nine separate mini-systems, that'll have the platform fully integrated into, and attracting money and assets in every area of your operation imaginable – as in all of your front-end new client acquisition activities – initial interviews, seminars, radio shows, referrals, etc – and all of your back-end client up-sell activities, with full access to Module 3 immediately following your second installment.
Then comes the grand finale – Module 4 Week 4 – where, as my Grandfather would say “we make hay!”
Module 4 is where we're going to transition your new specialized knowledge on into deployment and NEW revenues. And the quickest way we're going to do this, is to have you on eight Private Client Concierge sessions, deploying the eight My Asset Journal Concierge Units shipped you during week two, with eight clients and/or prospect sessions beginning week 4 – with full access to Module 4 immediately following your third installment.
Whether it be with prospects or clients, Asset Transformation's Private Client Concierge platform and processes will become for you, a remarkable “NEW” asset attraction money-magnet and set of concierge processes, through which millions in new assets will be attracted to and will flow into your NEW boutique concierge operation.
Whereby, you'll find yourself easily being able to convert a significantly higher number of prospects to clients and clients to NEW asset acquisition opportunity!
And whereby, you'll have prospects and clients clamoring to get into the platform – through you!
This NEW specialized Private Client Concierge knowledge your going to acquire, along with your certification into Asset Transformation's Private Client Concierge platform – will be a significant and transformative experience for you…
And, will have a significant positive effect on your practice, your career and your revenues from this point forward!
So, you might ask – just what kind of effect may this have?
Well, that's a great question of which I will refer you to the advisor interviews located throughout each module – plus a great seven advisor case-study to look at for some background and for reference when setting your expectations…
And we're going to dive into those expectations in Module 1 Week 1's “Expectations” training.
But, what I will say at this point is we've been able to establish an 80% session conversion rate in new assets and new revenues across a broad spectrum of advisors.
Which is exceptionally significant from a pure process perspective!
Comparing this to any sort of front-end revenue generation process is like comparing a Ferrari to a Ford Taurus – literally…
Each weekly module will have a short introduction training where we're going to set the stage for what's coming up in that week's curriculum, that'll prime the pump and get you on the right path for that week's training.
All of this is designed to re-set your internal programming and self image – and re-program your internal processes with a whole new, very innovative, highly-advantageous, even contrarian way of serving and reaching your marketplace – that'll give you a huge tactical advantage over your competitors.
Each weekly module will end with an “Next Steps” training, where we'll do a quick review to reinforce everything we've covered and get you set up and ready for the next module.
All in all, the main body of Asset Transformation's advanced coaching program spans a total of three weekly modules, each comprised of daily training sessions and exercises – all designed to have you fully up and operational in the platform come week 4 and beyond.
Your private cloud based advanced coaching area is a beautiful and convenient learning area we've custom designed especially for you, and that's easy to use.
All you do is go to the login page on DoubleYourRevenue.com, log in, get your trainings, listen to the interviews, attend live events, order additional resources including Concierge Kits and post any support related questions – all right here in the advanced knowledge area!
Each day I'll send you an email reminding you to login for that specific day's training…
Its all set up so all you do is watch your email, login, review each day's training, do your exercises and deploy what you learn.
From there, you'll want to keep your eye out for any emails announcing any upcoming live streaming webcasts and live coaching events.
Our live events will bring tremendous added value into your operation and concierge processes, as we dive in – in real-time, and focus on the key areas and advanced methods of the platform.
You can easily follow and find all Asset Transformation related news and live events in the member “News & Events” area.
You'll find all of Asset Transformation's consumable Private Client Concierge platform resources, including Concierge Kit components in the member “Resources” area.
All in all, a tremendous amount of time, effort and energy has gone into developing, testing, creating and simplifying this program so any qualified advisor can easily use – and profit from it.
Anyone with a computer and a couple of hours a week to invest can learn Asset Transformation's high-ROI concierge techniques and processes.
So what is the value of Asset Transformation and its “specialized” advanced knowledge program?
What do you estimate the value to be, for you to be able to deploy and use a proven business development platform and set of processes that converts new assets and new revenues on as high as 80% of the sessions its used on?… I'd say its probably priceless!
I actually know people that do high-level advanced coaching that often costs $30,000.00 or more…
I've seen and have participated in some of these programs – and none of them include any ready-to-deploy components or any sort of an turn-key platform.
Typically, you end up having to create all of that on your own “after” the coaching…
And that's the way “specialized knowledge” typically works.
You get the knowledge – which enables you to earn a fortune – and then you're on your own, and it's up to you to “develop” what the knowledge enables you to develop.
Which usually takes many years…
Here you've got everything! You've got the specialized knowledge, you've got an entire 10 year old and highly-refined platform – with a series of proven components, that just completely ties everything together, as is seen in any high-end, turn-key franchise.
Everything, sitting right here – in four convenient training modules!
And this is what it takes to create a specialized knowledge “machine” you can get into – that'll drive an 80% session conversion rate!
This is why you will not find anything like this anywhere else. There is no FMO, no Broker Dealer, no coach or any other entity in all of financial services that has 10 years of platform development behind them and all of the levels of training you're going to have in this program – there's none!
For you, this will prove to be a huge tactical advantage when you take the platform, along with the specialized knowledge, to the marketplace – and time and time again, out-maneuver your competitor…
There's no training or coaching program I've ever offered – or for that matter that anyone else has ever offered – that is more important or as valuable to your career, as this one.
Remember at the beginning of this training when I said that “education pays” and that “specialized business education pays even bigger?”
Well, a Harvard MBA alone will cost you $112,000.00 – and when you include the rest of the degree, it actually comes out to $350,000.00…
Remember also when I told you that Professional Degree graduates will go on to work in specific professions where they start out making $150,000.00 per year immediately?
Well, we've trained and certified many advisors into the specialized knowledge this program offers – and they've went out and made $150K in “ONE” month!>
So, after carefully considering the incredible value this program offers, I decided to price the tuition for the entire Asset Transformation certification and advanced knowledge program at a fraction of what a Harvard MBA would cost…
And to make tuition quick and easy, through our convenient payment plan – or, if you hold a good credit score, our “low monthly payment” even zero percent financing option will do!
All in all, its an amazing value for the level of platform perfection, specialized knowledge and intensive training you receive!
And that's just for starters…
(Go to the next training below!)