Chapter 1: How To Get The Most Out Of This Course:
First of all do understand that Asset Transformation is NOT a marketing system whereby you use it to “promote” products and or services.
Asset Transformation is about two things: Delivering a much needed high-value service to your clients at no cost to them that by positions you to write loads of additional back-end new business revenue, and teaching and equipping you to DO it.
You won’t need to take four years of trial an error to figure out how to do this, because I went ahead of you and did all of that hard work. So now you can just leap-frog ahead four years, plug right into the techniques and tools given you, and get right into implementation.
I don’t want to teach you how to excel in the science of high-value client service. What I will do is give you a “system” that if you follow it, you just become excellent at high-value client service.
In this course, I don’t want to teach you how to become a better closer, or a better marketer, or better seminar promoter because by now you’re likely either on your way there or may have already arrived.
What I do want is to get you out on your first client annual review where you begin practicing “The Secret” the principal of “Giving” and the system, and what you can do is expect the rest to “fall” into place from there.
I will say that this is the one of most AMAZING ways of practically accidentally doing business you will ever find!
What you will discover is much, much more easy to write new business revenue this way, than any other way you have ever worked, including what any front-end marketing system will ever deliver.
Throughout this course you’re going to have the opportunity to dive further into the disciplines the system requires and develop these as new skills. Because after all, entrepreneurship and developing your business acumen mostly is a process, not necessarily a destination.
Asset Transformation is going to put you in a near perfectly designed “machine” and set you on your way to seeing the result of the what that machine produces. In addition, everything you need to know to start producing your very own high-value-service, high-profit margin client annual reviews is within this course.
You’ll notice that I kept the content of the course very commonsense, purposely easy and uncomplicated. You’ll also notice that I kept the software very easy to use, and built it within a platform that many of you are already very familiar with, and that is the Microsoft Office suite of products – specifically, Microsoft Excel.
And I did this purposely, for a number of specific reasons.
In the video portion of this course, I decided to use some specific case study examples in order to provide you with real world examples that you would find relevant, as of writing this course there are no other client annual review systems or experts that you can pull relevant data from.
There is simply no way I can teach you what I promised to in Asset Transformation without using real-world examples, and attempting to do so was not an option I was willing to consider.
So, here’s what to do next…
- Stop reading now. Watch Disc 1 video “The Seven Quick & Easy Steps Video” and Disc 2 video the “Pre-Launch Review Video” now. The content found in the videos, audios and written text is not exactly the same. Each of them contains unique content.
- Come back and read the rest of the Asset Transformation course section of the written material. (Chapter 9 will instruct you when to watch the “My Asset Journal Software Video”).
- In between your studies, listen to the audios.
- Take action! Use the Appendix section in the course – the Standard Operating Procedures And Checklists – the Appointment Setting Scripts – to now implement this high-value client-service annual review back-end business model with your clientele, and expect to be positioned to write loads of additional highly-suitable new business revenue when doing so!
- Re-read, watch and listen to Asset Transformation once per month until you fully understand and grasp each concept contained within it.
You will find the Asset Transformation approach very rewarding in a number of ways. One is the satisfaction of sincerely serving your clients by delivering what is a much-needed service at no cost to them. The second is the satisfaction you create in the lives of your clients and the gratification that comes from them to you. The third happens as a result of #1 and #2 and that is loads of highly suitable new business revenue and referrals. All of this directly affects your life in very positive ways both relationally and financially.
And that my friend is my goal! …To help you better accomplish your life dreams and goals!
Please Watch “The Seven Quick & Easy Steps Video” And the “Pre-Launch Review Video” Now, Before Moving On To The Written Content.
Video Instructions:
These videos play on a PC with an internet connection through Macromedia Flash. 95% of all PC’s should already have this software installed. If you do not have Flash, you can download the free viewer at
The discs contain an “auto-play” feature which should load the video as soon as you place it into your disc drive, but incase it does not begin automatically, you can follow these instructions:
Step 1: Place the video CD Rom into the CD disk drive of a PC with an internet connection.
Step 2: In Windows, open Windows Explore and then choose your CD-Rom drive from the “Folders” window.
Step 3: Double click the following “file names” for each video:
For Video 1 – Type in: 7QuickAndEasySteps.exe
For Video 2 – Type in: PreLaunchReview.exe
For Video 3 – Type in: SoftwareOverview.exe
A player window will open and the video will load. You can begin viewing the video using the play control buttons at the bottom of the player window.