Chapter 7: Implementing Asset Transformation With Your Existing Clientele – Approach 2:

Chapter 7: Implementing Asset Transformation

With Your Existing Clientele – Approach 2:

What we’ll take a look at here, will be the “client-file-implementation-approach”. In other words – the implementation of the Asset Transformation back-end up-sell system into your existing client file.

This example covers the use of the Asset Transformation system with your existing clientele.

And some of this may appear a be repetitive from the previous chapter, and that is because what we’re doing here in this chapter is reviewing a totally different approach to using Asset Transformation that has some similar steps to the steps outlined in the previous chapter.

But before we begin, lets back up and take a look at the big picture for a moment. At this point and with this approach (Approach 2), the initial round of front-end selling has already happened likely long ago, and most of your client’s asset documents have already been delivered to your client at some point in the past.

What I recommend is that you plan on giving this approach (Approach 2) a significant amount of your attention, and the sooner the better. What you want to do here is to install the Asset Transformation system as quickly as possible with your existing clientele for several reasons:

1: It is likely your clients are “overdue” for a comprehensive review.

2: Demonstrate high-value service.

3: Organize your clients assets via the My Asset Journal client records keeping system.

4: Install your back-end revenue platform/system.

5: Create an opportunity to write loads of additional new business.

Initially, this will create a lot of activity for you, since it is you’ll now be preparing and delivering a number of client records keeping systems to your existing client file.

However, instead of spending the next 3 weeks preparing and building client records keeping systems for all your clients and then delivering them all after they’ve been built, the best approach to take is to implement this fully on a case by case basis. In other words, prepare one or several client records keeping system for one or several clients, and then deliver it to those clients – one or a few at a time.

This enables the quick implementation of the system throughout your client file while at the same time getting you in front of a lot new business opportunity fast.

The order of the business flow chart will look as follows:

→   Client Records Keeping System Delivery  →   High-Value Client Service Annual Review  →   Back-End Sales. 

Let’s go through these steps real quick to get an idea of what each one entails

Step 1: My Asset Journal Client Records Keeping System Delivery

The first thing you want to do at this point is to schedule your first annual review.

So to do that what you want to do is identify your first few annual review clients and give them a call using the scheduling script in the appendix section and schedule their review appointment.

You also want to ask them to have their asset file (polices, ect) ready for review and find out what their favorite pie is. (I’ll explain more of this later)

Starting out, give yourself plenty of prep time by scheduling the appointment a minimum of 3 to no more than 5 days out. As your more familiar with the process you can adjust your routine accordingly.

While in your office, gather the most current asset value (statement) information from the financial services companies managing your clients assets (this pertains only to the products you have set up for your client as agent or advisor), along with basic asset data you have in your client file and key that info into the software.

Next you want to print their reports, gather up any product brochures you may have relating to their assets.

Now you want to prepare client records keeping system bundle for your client whereby all of their existing asset documentation and the Asset Transformation reports are three hole punched and inserted into its own tabbed section within the My Asset Journal client records keeping system binder.

Items to prepare in your office:

1: Related product brochures.

2: The My Asset Journal asset summary reports and charts.

3: The My Asset Journal Insurance/Securities/Deposits asset reports and charts.

4: Clear view insert tabs.

5: The My Asset Journal client records keeping system binder.

You are now ready for your first review!

The following outstanding items are either gathered by your client and brought to your office or are waiting for you when you arrive at your client’s house:

1: Asset documents including: policies, contracts, prospectuses, etc.

2: Company product suitability documentation.

3: Any other company issued product documents related to the asset.

These items are three hole punched and then subsequently added to the Client Records Keeping System in the appropriate tabbed section.

Here’s what this step accomplishes:

1: Instantly becomes a platform for immediate client annual reviews.

2: Instantly becomes a platform for immediate up-sell opportunities.

3: Highly organizes your clients assets.

4: Positions you in your clients eyes as an advisor who is very unique in as far as delivering a unique high-value service is concerned.

5: Dramatically increases the “trust” your clients place in YOU.

6: Hugely pleases your client! They absolutely love the My Asset Journal client records keeping system.

7: Separates you from the other lazy agents and advisors who don’t care.

What you have done at this point is you’ve cleaned up what was likely a royal mess as far as paper work is concerned, you’ve bundled everything up in one highly organized My Asset Journal client records keeping system for your client.

You’ve now essentially taken the one thing that represents a very large part of your client’s life and treasure, that you have in the past set up for them, and you’ve shown great regard for their “treasure” and your client by organizing all of what is so very important to them!

You have demonstrated through your actions that what is important to them is also of great importance to you!

And like mentioned in the previous chapter, what you have really done is you have created a tangible money management “System” for your client, that your client can literally wrap their hands around.

Again, the effect this has is something much more deeper than the things we deal with on the surface. What you have done is given your client the gift of them having the sense of being in total CONTROL!

Like I said earlier, not a single advisor in your area does this!

So, in preparation for asset delivery, all the above items we mentioned earlier are bundled up into an empty My Asset Journal client records keeping system binder along with your client’s favorite pie and then delivered and reviewed with your client.

This completes the installation of the system in your existing client file, and prepares you and your client for your first high-value service client annual review.

Prepare for the accolades! Your clients will love the system.

Step 2: High-Value Client Service Annual Review

What we do here is to deliver and review the entire My Asset Journal client records keeping system bundle that you just built for your client. Along with their favorite pie!

What I’ve done is located a local Italian bakery that I place all my client pie orders with. The pies they make are fantastic and as close to home baked as you can get.

The “pie” effect will take you and what you deliver completely over the top with your client and with the overall effect of the client annual review!

Not only that, but it gives you a sense of great personal satisfaction to have brightened up someone’s day in the way that you have just done. You’ve given your client a wonderfully efficient records keeping system and given them something that is as close to what mom would have given them as anyone would have ever given them (the pie)!

All of this is the “process of preparation”.

And to be honest with you this is very “old fashioned” in as far a service is concerned, and unfortunately is much of a lost art and missing in our fast paced world. But this is what your senior clients will love about all this, and at one point in the past is the kind of service that they “used” to know.

So what you’re doing here as well is effectively “taking them back” in time, to when it was that business was more friendly and personal — “the way it used to be”!

For some this may seem to a bit unprofessional or maybe too unsophisticated. All I can say is I have $556,000 reasons per client why this is just the thing to do…what do they have?

So the review step generally includes a review of everything you just built, essentially the entire Client Records Keeping System:

1: The Asset Transformation portfolio reports.

2: The Asset Transformation asset summary reports.

3: Most recent asset statements.

4: A general flipping through each tabbed section.

5: Allowing your client to hold, handle and flip through their Client Records Keeping System.

The use of this system and the high-value service that it enables you to deliver to your client will be an AMAZING crowd pleaser in as far as your clients are concerned.

And again, doing this act of service will greatly increase the value of you in your clients life. And will as well greatly increase the trust that exists between you and your client.

Through this, you WILL become the ‘trusted” advisor your client desperately wants and deserves.

And through this, you will be positioned to provide additional service to your client, whether it be making changes to beneficiaries or moving the next $100,000 CD.

Like I mentioned earlier, our business is all about getting in front of people. What this system does by default is it essentially automates this process, and gets you out in front of the best people in your circle of influence – your clients – who have already in the past have decided to give you one of the most honored privileges.

And who will now do so again. If it is you demonstrate you deserve it!

And that is what the use of Asset Transformation automatically does for you!

It makes you UNIQUE.

It makes you DIFFERENT from all the other advisors in your area.

Step 3: Back End Sales

Again Back to a point I mentioned in the previous chapter; by displaying your client’s assets in this highly organized My Asset Journal manner, especially if it is that the assets you’ve set up for your client never results in any losses. This whole approach gives your client a tremendous sense of service and “CONTROL”.

Which again is a fundamental desire in the life of every senior citizen.

Which is something you will have now just given your client. This is HUGE and even a more significant issue than all the planning and products you’ve done for your client.

We get all hung up on products and strategies…

Your clients don’t really care!

What they want is CONTROL and SECURITY…

And like I said earlier, when it is you figure that out and then deliver this, you’ve just mastered what 90% of agents and advisors are totally clueless about.

All that matters is what is important to your client, and so now knowing this, we give what is important to them.

Again, where each component of the Asset Transformation system operates in for your client is in those above areas – the areas of CONTROL and SECURITY.

As for the back-end sales, when it is you deliver and review their My Asset Journal client records keeping system, all sorts of new business opportunity “appears” because what inevitably happens again is:

1: A transition from discussing assets you have already set up to other assets not yet under management – OR:

2: Discussion of repositioning assets you already set up – OR:

3: The suitability review.

Like mentioned earlier, I have dedicated an entire chapter in this manual to the final step of the back-end sales process. So we’ll keep the details for then and stick to general overview of the entire process here.

So this concludes the two approaches – the front end approach – and the back end approach – for implementing Asset Transformation in your business.

I would encourage you to maximize the effect this system has in your business by using both approaches.

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