Chapter 9: The Asset Transformation
My Asset Journal Software! Your High-Value-Service
Back-End Revenue System Automation Tool:
As was mentioned in the previous chapter, this is the information-based component that pulls together the assets you set up for your client and presents everything as a cohesive, highly reported, very organized financial system.
Do allow me to mention that the software was intentionally designed to be very intuitive and easy to use, and it is this way for several reasons:
1: The programming platform chosen for the software is the Microsoft Office suite of products, specifically Microsoft Excel. Most everyone is very familiar with Microsoft Excel, and thus I am not introducing a new and foreign software platform.
2: The data input format is that of an already laid out statement where you basically fill in the blanks. Again, very intuitive and easy to use.
3: The lay out of the software closely resembles the layout of the Client Records Keeping System. Again, for ease of use and familiarity.
4: Every data entry column or field has a pop-up help window. To access the pop-up, all you do is move your mouse over the areas where the small red triangle is, and the “help window” pops-up and displays as in the illustration below:
Essentially, the software is a very sophisticated Excel based program with a tremendous amount of behind the scenes programming. Many years of effort went into the production of this and all of that effort has produced something that is now very easy and quite intuitive to use.
And as such, what this means in as far as the use of the software is concerned is you will need to run the software from a computer that either already has Microsoft Excel installed or you will need to purchase a copy of Microsoft Excel and install it prior to running the software.
Step 1: Installing the My Asset Journal Software:
The installation step is very easy; essentially the installation is a “copy & paste” process as outlined below.
Step 1a: Insert the software CD in your CD drive.
Step 1b: Open windows explore and locate the CD drive you inserted the software CD into.
Step 1c: Select The “My Asset Journal” Folder, Then From The Menu Click: “Edit” ð “Copy”.
Step 1d: Next select “Local Disk C”, then from the menu click: “Edit” → “Paste”.
If the above instructions were followed correctly, at this point you will have a folder on your “C” drive called “My Asset Journal” as follows:
Step 1e: Next select the “My Asset Journal” icon file (the green short cut file), then from the menu click “File” ð “Send To” ð “Desktop (Create Shortcut)”.
Step 1f: Adjust Excel’s security level. Next we need to run Microsoft Excel and adjust Excel’s security settings BEFORE running the My Asset Journal Software.
To do that, run Excel with no workbooks. From your desktop click: “Start” → “All Programs” → “Microsoft Excel”.
Step 1g: From the Excel Menu Select: “Tools” → “Macro” → “Security”
Step 1h: Next select the “Security Level” tab then set security to “Medium”.
Setting security to medium will not jeopardize your computer’s security. What this will do is allow you to manually enable the running of important and secure Macros that are programmed into the My Asset Journal software.
After adjusting Excel’s security settings, you have now successfully completed the installation of the Asset Transformation “My Asset Journal software and adjusted Excel’s security settings.
Step 2: Running the My Asset Journal Software:
IMPORTANT!! You will notice the following file located in your windows explore window: My Asset Journal AE – Last, First – Year-Mo-Day.xlt. This file is the My Asset Journal master program file.
In essence, the “ My Asset Journal AE – Last, First – Year-Mo-Day.xlt ” file is the “master” program file that creates empty copies of itself for you to key in new client data. This master template file ends in a “.xlt” extension which signifies it is an Excel “template” file.
You should not edit the master program “.XLT” file.
By double clicking the My Asset Journal icon, an exact “copy” of the master template will open. It is in this “copy” where you key in, print and save your client data.
Of course you will always have your original files as a back up on the Asset Transformation CD that came with the course.
Step 2a: Run the My Asset Journal program file. To run the program file, double click the My Asset Journal shortcut icon on your desktop.
Again, by double clicking the My Asset Journal desktop shortcut icon, you will open a new clean “copy” of the My Asset Journal AE – Last, First – Yr-Mo-Day.xlt program file. And this is where you will key in data specific to an individual client.
Step 2b: Enable macros. The first window you will see after running the software is the following Microsoft security warning window. Continue by selecting the “Enable Macros” button:
Step 2c: The program splash page. The next window you will see a clean copy of the My Asset Journal client file as in the following:
After you have keyed in all of your client’s asset data into this new My Asset Journal client file what you will want to do is then “save” this client file in the “Clients” folder. By doing this, each client will have their own My Asset Journal Excel file that can be referred to and edited for future reviews. At the same time your master program file remains clean and empty, ready to create new empty client files any time the shortcut icon is run.
Step 3: Saving My Asset Journal Client Files:
At this point, lets run through the process of saving this new client file you just opened as if it were that you just completed inputting client asset data, printing the reports, and are now ready to save the new client file.
Step 3a: From the menu select: File ð Save As.
The save window now opens:
Step 3b: Now open the “Save To” folder: This is the folder where you will save all of your client files. Double click the “Clients” folder.
The “Clients” folder now opens:
Step 3c: Rename your client file. Now its time to name the client file using an organizational naming format that will organize your client files first by client and then date
You will notice a sample client file inside the “Clients” folder. The sample client file is “George Washington”. Notice from the sample client file how it is we name the client file when saving.
When saving your files, here’s what you replace:
1: “Last” with the client’s last name leaving the comma following the client’s last name, and “First” with the client’s first name
2: “Yr” with current year, “Mo” with current month, and “Day” with today’s numerical day.
From this: My Asset Journal AE – Last, First – Year-Mo-Day1.xls
To This: My Asset Journal AE – Lincoln, Abraham – 2008-07-15.xls
Step 3d: Next click the “Save” button
You have just saved your first client file, Abraham Lincoln’s My Asset Journal file in the “Client’s” folder, and it is now the active client file in Excel. Should this be an actual client file, you can continue to edit it, print it, save it, close it, and open it later for additional work.
Note: When updating Abraham Lincoln’s My Asset Journal file for subsequent reviews, save the new updates as a new Abraham Lincoln file. The only thing you change in the file name when saving the file is the date. This way you create multiple Abraham Lincoln review files as a log for future reference.
Step 4: Using My Asset Journal Software And Its Workspaces:
Now lets take a look at each of the different workspaces inside the software. We’ll take a look at the purpose of each and what it is you do while in each of the workspaces.
Let’s begin by opening up the sample George Washington client file. With Microsoft Excel running, select “File” → “Open” → (If not already there, navigate to the My Asset Journal – Clients folder) ð Select George Washington’s file → Click “Open”.
Once inside, what you will find is the software is laid out in a number of tabbed workspaces. Most of the workspaces are “statement” like in fashion but are actually the reports that you enter client asset data into and then print and assemble into the client records keeping system.
You can easily navigate to the different workspaces inside of the software by clicking on the “tabs” at the bottom of your screen and by using Excel’s navigation buttons on the far right and far left bottom of your screen next to the tabbed workspaces.
So now, lets do a quick review of each of the workspaces and what you will find inside each on after opening George Washington’s file.
Step 4a: Licensee Resources Workspace:
In the Licensee Resource Workspace you will find:
→ The “Authorized Licensee” area. This workspace will have the active licensee name and contact information. The licensee’s name is populated throughout the workspaces and printed on all the reports.
→ The “Active Client” area. In this workspace you key in the requested client information (the client you are preparing the review for, in this case it is George Washington). The client’s name is populated throughout the workspaces and printed on all the reports.
Also, when calling your clients to schedule the annual review appointment, what you want to do is find our what their favorite pie is and key that into the Active Client area as well. We’ll talk more about the favorite pie in a moment.
→ The “Licensee Resources” area. It is here that you are able to access the Asset Transformation member site content, order My Asset Journal client records keeping system supplies and refer other agents and advisors to Asset Transformation and earn commissions.
Step 4b: Asset Summary Workspace:
In the Asset Summary Workspace you will find:
→ A summary of all of George Washington’s insurance assets
→ A summary of all of George Washington’s securities assets
→ A summary of all George Washington’s deposit assets
→ A grand total summary of “all” of the George Washington’s assets.
In the Asset Summary workspace you never key in any data. Instead, this workspace automatically pulls data from the other asset workspaces and reports you key asset data into, all that is here is asset totals.
Step 4c: Asset summary chart:
In the Asset Summary Chart you will find:
→ A summary chart of “all” George Washington’s assets from the previous Asset Summary Workspace.
Step 4d: Insurance/Securities/Deposit Assets Workspaces:
In the Insurance Assets workspace you will find:
→ 36 rows on a total of 2 pages where we entered George Washington’s asset data for up to a total of 36 insurance assets per client.
→ 15 columns of separate insurance asset data.
→ Summaries of insurance asset totals at the bottom of each worksheet page.
→ Detailed help “pop-ups”. Anywhere you see the small red triangle: You can move your mouse over it and a detailed help window will popup with instructions as to what you do in these areas
→ The above points apply to the Securities and Deposit Assets workspaces as well.
Step 4e: Insurance/Securities/Deposit Assets Charts
In the Insurance Assets Chart you will find:
→ A summary chart of George Washington’s insurance assets from the previous Insurance Assets Workspace.
→ The above points apply to the Securities and Deposit Assets Charts as well.
Step 4f: Insurance/Securities/Deposit Asset 1-36 Workspaces:
In the Insurance Asset 1-36 workspaces you will find:
→ Workspaces specifically dedicated to individual insurance assets 1-36. In these workspaces you enter additional detail info related to a specific insurance asset.
→The above points apply to the Securities and Deposit Assets 1-36 workspaces as well.
Step 5: Spend Some Time In George Washington’s file:
At this point, spend a few minutes navigating around the sample George Washington’s client file. To get a preview of what the reports will look like once printed, click the “Print Review” button. You might even want to print several or the entire set of George Washington’s workspace reports as well. The best way to learn this is to get in there and use the software
Also, you might want to open Abraham Lincoln’s file (the sample you opened earlier) and key in sample asset data there as a test sample file. Or set up your own sample My Asset Journal file.
Do keep in mind that the assets you enter into the My Asset Journal software should only be the assets you set up as the agent/advisor for your client. I would not key in assets they have setup themselves or assets set up by another advisor.
The only way assets earn the privilege of existing in the My Asset Journal client records keeping system that you deliver to your clients, is if those assets entered the My Asset Journal client records keeping system through you as the writing agent/advisor of the asset!
A lot of time has been spent on creating the software for ease of use. By spending just a little time reviewing the sample My Asset Journal client records keeping system you received with the course, and reviewing the help pop-ups in the software as well as practicing at each of the workspaces, you’ll have this down-pat in no time.
It is really very intuitive and easy and I think that is for several reasons, one being what you see on the screen is what is gets printed in the reports, and because of the “statement like” layout of the workspaces. Ease of use was a very important objective in accomplishing this.
Essentially, there are five easy steps we take with the software that allows us to produce the My Asset Journal reports, which in turn allows us to create the Client Records Keeping system:
1: Determine what asset information is required by the software.
2: Input only what is required by the software.
3: Save the client data file.
4: Print client records keeping system reports.
5: Assemble the client records keeping system.
Step 6: Watch The Video On Disc 8, The “My Asset Journal Software Video”:
The video will take you on a complete tour of the software including:
1: How to key in data.
2: Printing reports.
3: Explanation of each of the workspaces.
Afterward, we’ll take a closer look at assembling the client records keeping system.