(Asset Transformation – Advisor Concierge Kit)

(My Asset Journal – Client Connoisseur Kit) (My Asset Journal – Client Concierge Kit)
Hey Michael here! Founder of Double Your Revenue Club – and Asset Transformation, this our Private Client Concierge advanced coaching and advisor certification program…
First things first; I want to personally congratulate you and welcome you to this program and the high-value-service Asset Transformation Private Client Concierge advisor team!
So let's begin here by talking a little bit about what you're going to discover here in the cloud, over the coming days…
Over the coming days, through Asset Transformation's four advanced coaching modules, you're going to discover and be introduced to an exceptionally powerful and highly-effective process that will forever dramatically and positively effect the way in which you conduct business – from this point forward.
Layer by layer, I'm going to meticulously teach you how to assimilate into your practice an incredibly effective “high-conversion” way of attracting MANY, many millions in NEW assets and dozens – even potentially hundreds of NEW clients – through a method as powerful as bees are attracted to honey!
The methodology you'll discover here – is of the type, quality and style normally found way “up there” in the realms of the exclusive Private Client Management type of firm.
Now, for the first time, brought down into and made available to the independent advisor niche.
Through Asset Transformation, you will effectively be operating a process normally reserved for and similarly only available through renown wealth management firms, such as the Fisher Investment type of “private” client wealth management operations.
That said, Asset Transformation is the only Private Client Concierge asset attraction process that exists in all of independent financial services.
What's more, none of what you will find here involves theory…
This is a proven, systematic and formulaic science – with a full ten years of developmental work laid as a rock solid process foundation.
In every sense, Asset Transformation, along with its advanced knowledge program and concierge technology platform, is as precise and as effective as you would come to expect any high-end franchise to be – and in most cases, even more so.
Over the years, many, many hundreds of successful advisor/client case studies fully precede your participation – spanning near all 50 of the United States.
And I say this to properly frame in your mind, what you're your now being granted access to.
Beyond a shadow of any doubt – what you're about to step into and then assimilate into your operation, has without question, proven “incredibly” effective – for many others.
And I'll go so far to say, that this process is the most successful and effective business development method in all of financial services!
What's more, its one of the most rewarding you'll find both relationally and financially…
Over the coming days, you'll hear many advisor interviews that will fully attest and substantiate all of this.
The only unknown and unproven component or variable that now exists – would not be the platform itself, but rather the advisor operator.
And this is the only variable that can prevent your success.
So, with that, here are a few success stumbling stones, warning signs, red flags and pitfalls you'll need to look out for and keep in check as you move through Asset Transformation's advanced knowledge program while assimilating the platform into your operation:
(1) Pride – over-inflated, haughty, self-elevated attitudes.
(2) Un-Coachable – an inability or unwillingness to follow instructions.
(3) Inaction – massive action = great reward.
(4) Unable to convert – Asset Transformation will present incredible new asset acquisition and asset conversion opportunity near every time it's used. However, it won't take apps on its own. You've got to know how to close and you've got to be able to convert opportunity when its exposed – as a lot of it will.
Other than the above “operator centric” stumbling stones, warning signs, red flags and pitfalls – everything advanced knowledge and platform centric wise works as efficient and effective as a fine tuned franchise.
Now, to the question of whether Asset Transformation really works or doesn't work – well, that matter has been settled long, long ago…
The efficacy of the platform – an 80% session conversion rate – has been established across all sectors of financial services, including: Registered Investment Advisors, Certified Financial Planners, Registered Reps, insurance only agents and everything in between.
The high session conversion rates established through the platform, have been established by its users diligently following the platform's specific instructions.
Deviate from the instructions, and you'll end up creating a different outcome.
Which means that your success with Asset Transformation will depend 100% upon you.
Specifically, it will depend upon your winning and expectant attitude, your ability to “not” improvise – but rather follow specific instructions, your coachability, your active follow through and your ability to identify and “convert” opportunity when it shows up.
As a lot of it will!
And this is why we are very selective with who we let in – as those who do get in, bring a previous record of accomplishment. Having not only proven themselves as the industry's most capable and successful advisors – but more importantly, as brilliant and disciplined entrepreneurs.
The key to success with any sort of highly effective process and the “transference” and assimilation of that process – always comes down to the student's attitude, coachability and follow-through.
These are the character traits it takes for anyone to quickly and efficiently deploy new processes – and is what it'll take for you to quickly ramp-up and use what has proven itself an 80% asset conversion platform and concierge session process.
Without these character traits – you'll not be a good fit for this program…
With these, you'll stand to make an absolute fortune four weeks from now – and well beyond!
I say this, first of all, to set and frame your expectations as you're beginning the this program.
And secondly, without exaggeration – as you're coming into a program that carries 10 years of remarkable accomplishment – with many, many advisors having already been licensed into and successfully coached in the platform and its methods.
So, the first thing you want to do is to come into this with an open mind, a champions attitude and with high expectations – confident that a lot of great things are soon to happen!
And on the flip side that any and all disbelief, negative preconditioning and negative attitudes be left behind at the log in page. As these have no place in the winner's mind, nor any place in an atmosphere of creativity, or in this curriculum or program…
As you move through the program, begin to build and see in the theater of your mind, your life four weeks and beyond from now, when potentially MILLIONS in NEW assets will begin flowing through the components of this process – into your operation.
To assist you in this, you'll have a number of advisor interviews – in each weekly module – that'll reinforce what your learning and the NEW and improved self-image you're creating, while moving through each training module.
At this point, everything in this advanced knowledge program and technology platform spans a full 10 years of field testing and development – four and one half years of development and use, first in my own practice…
Then, an additional four and one half years of deployment and developmental perfection in the offices of near four hundred advisors nationally.
What you have here, has entirely “already” been proven eons ago…
Efficacy has “already” been established.
Now, what we're looking for, is to put more of the right people, with the “right stuff” in a whole lot more Private Client Concierge platform pilot seats.
So, these are a few of some of the first things we need to “set” and frame in your mind as you begin moving through each training module and assimilating this program into your practice.
Our goal for you, is to efficiently move you through each training module and then have you into high-fives to six-figures of new income within your first 60 days through your initial round of eight concierge starter kits and each kit's respective concierge session!
Then, to interview you and feature your success story here…
To get that mission fully set up, we're going to deliver “all the goods” – on our side – okay!…
To get the mission accomplished, you'll need to hop in the pilot's seat and follow the “mission” plan, just as each advisor you've heard in the advisor interviews has done.
Which, will lead you to “everything” needed to make a targeted “high-fives” to “six-figures” of new commission based revenue quickly happen within your first 60 days.
If your a fee based only advisor, I would highly recommend the adoption of annuities and single premium life into your business model.
If you don't adopt these financial vehicles into your model, I can assure you that your competitors are going to use them against you.
As vilified as these products once were by many members of the financial services industry – without question, these products have been completely vindicated by the tumultuous global economics over the last decade.
Asset Transformation methodically peals the entire prospect/client onion, as such, it will create and expose opportunity that'll accommodate any and all financial products imaginable.
This is the ideal business development tool for the high-end full-service shop!
…All of this NOW sits right here in front of you here in the cloud – literally at your finger tips – and just few days away from being your NEW reality!
So with that, I'm glad you made the decision to move forward, to invest in yourself, to invest in your future and in the growth of your operation by enrolling in this incredibly effective advanced knowledge program and high-conversion technology platform.
There's another very cool and important element we've built into the program for you that I want to review at this point…
As is found in any refined business process – such as a franchise – your participation here means you'll have the full body of Federal intellectual property law, patent law, trademark law and copyright law fully protecting your rights and competitive advantage from marketplace reverse engineering.
As a Asset Transformation licensee, as is seen in the role of a franchisee, everything you'll have access to and will be using in the marketplace through this platform – is Federally registered and protected under intellectual property law.
Which as a body of law, umbrellas and supercedes everything, everyone, every corporation, every agency, every department and every entity known to man – including all of financial services…
What's more all unauthorized disclosures to any all entities – besides clients and prospects – are prohibited per your End User License Agreement.
All of this is designed to protect you, protect your investment, protect your technology platform, its integrity and processes!
And this is important for you to know, because any process as refined, as efficient and as profitable for its licensees as this – as in any franchise with any number of franchisees – such a process, along with its trade secrets and its licensees, requires marketplace protection.
Now, let's talk a little bit about the format of the training program here and your certification into Asset Transformation.
Throughout this advanced coaching program, your going to discover a highly-refined, intensely-focused advanced knowledge program and very precise way of doing and running a very mature set of “concierge” techniques turned business development platform.
As you navigate through each of the training's, what you will not find here are any generalities or “fluff”.
Everything here is very specific, high-value, high-ROI, laser-focused “franchise” quality method and content designed for the successful, hard-hitting, high-ROI individual.
In every sense of the word, this platform is a “Seal-Team 6” platform and process – designed for the “Seal-Team 6” kind of advisor, only.
This program and platform will not be found in, nor will it be placed in the hands of the inept or the underachiever.
It'll only be made available to, and found in the hands of the overachiever because that's what this process is – because it's designed that way.
All designed to have you, the Seal-Team 6 advisor, fully Asset Transformation certified by end of week three – and fully platform and revenue operational beginning week four.
When you advance into Module 2 – which is next week – we're going to be shipping to you, a large shipment of “eight” deyployable My Asset Journal Concierge Units.
These are the core deployables of the platform, each deployed with eight clients or prospects beginning week four.
Used with prospects and clients, each My Asset Journal Concierge Unit, will get you into and will get the entire sequential concierge process moving and working for you…
And, will get you moving towards a targeted high-fives to six-figures of new commission based revenue immediately following deployment!
Each Concierge Unit consists of “one” My Asset Journal Concierge Kit and “one” My Asset Journal Connoisseur Kit.
Together, along with all of each Kit's internal components, makes up “one” Concierge Unit:

(My Asset Journal – Client Connoisseur Kit) (My Asset Journal – Client Concierge Kit)
Now, at this point in the training, we're not going to be diving into the Concierge Units themselves, nor the components inside of each – but suffice it to say, these things are absolutely “money magnetic” to prospects and clients!
Literally, “money magnetic”…
Prospects and clients are absolutely magnetized to this and will completely want “in” – and if positioned correctly – will without resistance give you everything you want in exchange to get in!
And this where the “money magic” begins…
Money magic as in 80% session conversion MAGIC!
Depending upon the specific concierge method used, as some methods have higher conversions than others.
And, this is where the fun begins!
You're going to have more fun doing this and offering this – than you've had in a VERY long time, likely ever…
And, I predict this will become one of, if not the central “offer” for your firm – as you'll find this an exceptionally powerful and magnetic Unique Selling Proposition that “fits” everyone you come in contact with!
More importantly, the process just completely and very methodically peals the entire client/prospect onion, layer by layer.
Now next week in Module 2, we'll be diving into all of the internal components of the My Asset Journal Connoisseur and Concierge Kits.
For now, here in Module 1, we want to work on the foundation and focus on the fundamentals of and the psychology behind the platform.
So with that, let's wrap up Module 1's Introduction training here – and then move on into the next training.
Suffice it to say, there are a lot of specific reasons we designed Asset Transformation's advanced knowledge program the way its been designed – and a lot of specific reasons we chose this the cloud-based format.
One of the most significant reasons, not the only, but one of the most significant – is we've got a number of components, 10 years of knowledge and 10 years of methodology we want to transfer to you as quickly, easily and efficiently as possible.
And doing that efficiently requires an efficient coaching platform built around a convenient and “self-paced” format.
This level of precision and training, can't be done in the traditional live one day or two day event – that won't work and is not an optimal way for a number of reasons.
Even though we'll be announcing and holding live events several times a year – which will be a great opportunity for everyone to get together – the “core” of you being able to efficiently assimilate the operational “how to” side of Asset Transformation requires a more efficient and engaging approach, in a convenient self-paced format – that's easy for us to update on our side, easy for you to access and easy for everyone to collaborate in…
And these are just a few of the advantages of why we've invested over 5000 man hours in this very cool advanced coaching platform and doing all of this the cloud.
Every module in Asset Transformation's advanced knowledge program has a specific purpose, all of it intentionally designed to have you and the platform up and operational – running high-conversion Asset Transformation Private Client Concierge sessions, in every area of your practice imaginable from this point forward – all within just a few weeks.
And by high conversion, I mean 80% of these sessions should be converting revenue for you.
In this advanced knowledge program, you will discover an incredibly effective USP (unique selling proposition) that'll deliver into your hands, a remarkably effective way of “end-running” and out-flanking any competitor – effectively enabling you to convert (or swipe) competitor clients at a rate you've never seen or experienced heretofore.
All because of the Unique Selling Proposition and the value added service that Asset Transformation's Private Client Concierge technology platform brings into and extends out of your practice…
So with that, a big and warm welcome to – the “Transformative” team!
(Go to the next training below!)