Any idea what it takes to accelerate your income 66% over those having only a high school diploma?
Well, according to the College Board, and some extensive research done by them – a bachelors degree will get you there!
How about accelerating your income a full 300% over those having just a high school diploma?
Try to guess what kind of education it takes to get you into that kind of income?
It's not a Masters Degree…
It's not an M.B.A…
Nor a P.H.D.!
The type of degree that'll get you into an accelerated 300% increase over and above a high school diploma is called a “Professional Degree.”
So, what is a Professional Degree? And what does this have to do with Asset Transformation, you might ask?
Well, a Professional Degree is a specialized knowledge degree – that prepares you for a career in a specialized profession and enables you to make a lot of money in that profession, such as a doctor, an architect or a professional educator…
Much like a Professional Degree, Asset Transformation's advanced knowledge and advisor certification program – prepares your existing financial services career for the integration and delivery of a specialized service, enabling you to better enjoy, to find a whole lot more personal satisfaction and to make a whole lot more money in your existing career…
So, the point is: Making a lot of money through “specialized knowledge” – has everything to do with Asset Transformation!
Recently, the United States Census Bureau did a study where they reported on estimated lifetime incomes of various education levels.
What they found was that someone with just high school diploma, would only earn about $1.2 million dollars over their entire career.
From there, upping lifetime income to $1.6 million dollars – was a bachelor's degree.
Then, at a whopping $4.4 million dollars of lifetime income, comes the Professional Degree!
As we can see, the more highly specialized the knowledge, the greater the accelerated levels of prosperity and income.
So yes, specialized education pays!
And, specialized business education – pays biggest of all…
The more specific and specialized the knowledge, the more we laser our focus, the more highly specialize the knowledge, the more we pay for the knowledge – the greater and more accelerated the reward!
On the other hand, the more “common” the knowledge, the less we pay for the knowledge – the lower and slower the reward.
So, how much specialized business knowledge have you pursued and paid for in your financial services career?
And I'm not referring here to the common sort of knowledge that our industry is great at freely and commonly given away for free. The methods commonly dished out by FMO's, BD's and home offices – you know, the freebie sort of 90% failure rate stuff. I'm not referring to that – I am referring to how much specialized knowledge you've actually bought and paid for in your career?
The answer to that question, will to a great degree, identify the value you put on your career. It'll also largely identify where you're currently at in your career – including your wealth and income ceilings.
And, it'll also tell you what sort of knowledge you need to avoid.
Remember this: There's no such thing as a “free lunch”…
In the world of business – such always creates weakness, unhealthy dependencies and an enslavement in a professional sort of welfare class.
Case in point: The undeniable 90% advisor failure rates created by mirriads of home office, FMO and BD “freebie” programs.
In other words, what's free in the world of business – typically isn't so “free” – it instead will almost always come at a huge cost both in incredibly high failure rates, years of lost time and in miserably inconsistent incomes.
All of which creates “deceleration.”
If you want to remain in a perpetual state of deceleration in your business, career and life – any sort of unspecialized freebie knowledge will do.
However, as we've seen demonstrated by the College Board, the United States Census Bureau, as well the entire franchising industry – specialize knowledge creates acceleration and career success.
The greater the specialized knowledge we receive and the more we pay for it – the greater the rate of acceleration and the greater the success we get!
In the world of real business, specialized knowledge (value) and the acquisition of it, will always require a reciprocating exchange of specialized value (money).
Besides eternal salvation, near anything given away “free” will almost always be treated as near valueless or with very low perceived value – by the recipient.
And as for the creators of such, they're doing both themselves and everyone else a terrible disservice.
So, really, it's maybe not such a mystery that you've not yet accelerated in your career to where you want to be at financially and where you want to be with your business and income.
I'm reminded of an old proverb, written long ago, that sums all of this up pretty well:
“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” – Proverbs 4:7
The man who wrote this was King Solomon. Written and recorded by him in “The Book of Proverbs” – at around 1000 B.C.
To this very day, near 3000 years later, Solomon's work is still being published.
And that is quite an accomplishment! And on this one point alone, I'd say Solomon was a pretty ingenious and wise man – and as the good book says, no one richer would or has ever lived…
In this proverb, in fact, throughout the entire Book of Proverbs – Solomon writes about “acceleration”.
And according to Solomon, the more “wisdom and understanding” (specialized knowledge) we get and that we pay for – fundamentally determines the level of acceleration (the level success) we'll attain in our lives, in our businesses, with our money and with our wealth.
If we desire “accelerated” levels of success and significantly higher levels of income, then specialized business knowledge is what we need.
Yes, specialized knowledge pays!
And specialized Private Client Concierge knowledge – pays an absolute fortune…
What's more, all of Asset Transformation's “acceleration” is entirely fully supported throughout the entire training program – where, inside of each weekly training module, you'll hear from advisors who've received specialized Private Client Concierge advanced knowledge and education.
And where you'll hear first-hand, what it meant – acceleration wise – to their practices, careers and levels of income.
…So, let's Accelerate!
(Go to the next training below!)