The Jealously Guarded Secrets To “ESTATE TRANSFORMATION” And Tens of MILLIONS In NEW Conflicts Of Interest FREE Assets FAST!…
Advanced Fiduciary Standard Of Care Webinar Begins in:
Log In NOW And Discover How Dozens Of Fiduciary Agents, Advisors, CFPs, RIAs, Boutique Firms, Family And Private Client Offices Are Converting Tens Of MILLIONS In NEW Conflicts Of Interest FREE Assets FAST!… Plus, The Little-Known Private Estate Reception Estate Enrollment Method Used To INSTANTLY Leverage Advisor Client Files By A Warm Market Referral Factor Of 12!
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You're About To Watch The Original John Galt Institute Documentary That Thousands Of Fiduciary Agents, Advisors, RIAs, IARs And CFPs Have Already Seen – Raw, Unabridged Case-Study Interview Footage Of What Is Possible, When You Get On The Right Side Of The “Estate Transformation” Advanced Standard Of Care Curve!
A Fascinating, Shocking And Eye- Opening Seven Advisor Case-Study Documentary About “The Secrets To Estate Transformation” – The AMAZING Advanced Standard Of Care Technology Platform Used To Quickly & Easily Write Over $15,933,522.00 In NEW Conflicts Of Interest FREE Private Client Assets FAST!
…In this eye-opening FREE seven advisor case-study documentary, you'll be clued in on MILLION dollar practice development secrets like:
•How to MAGNETICALLY attract tens-of- MILLIONS in NEW assets through “dynamic differentiation!” It's NOT about licenses, designations or even a fancy office – it's ALL about YOU having a KILLER UMD “unique marketplace DIFFERENTIATIOR” and you being able to dynamically do through it, what Apple and Netflix did to Microsoft and Blockbuster…
•The AMAZING “estate archival” compliance tool dozens of fiduciary advisors NOW use to quickly, easily and permanently convert HUNDREDS of “competition” clients!
•How to craft high-conversion conflicts of interest free advanced standard of care sessions that offer ANY FINANCIAL PRODUCT OR SERVICE – no matter how unlikely you might think!
•How to make a fortune “mopping up” the mess other clients, agents, advisors, fiduciarys, CFPs CPAs and estate planning attorney's have made! Picture This: Clients “enthusiastically” lining-up, single- file, outside your office with “boxes” of documents in hand – gratefully turning EVERYTHING over to YOU!…
•The “magnetic-money” advanced standard of care method of raking in MOUNTAINS of NEW conflicts of interest free assets month after month – practically on auto-pilot!…
•Why this seven advisor case-study documentary will be the best piece of news you’ll hear all year!
•The remarkable secrets to filling your calendar to capacity with “eager” appointments year after year – that never cancel and that convert loads of highly-suitable new business 80% to 90% of the time WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME ADVERTISING!
•The secret Estate Transformation “Private Estate Reception” estate enrollment formula that out sells any other approach 30 to 1!
•How to QUICKLY & EASILY surround your practice, revenues, lifestyle and career with an impenetrable DOL Fiduciary Rule private cause of action firewall!
WARNING: It's an entire NEW industry, with an entire NEW layer of litigation empowered compliance enforcers, eg: every single one of your clients… Now, all that it takes is just “one” conflict of interest and/or self dealing related private cause of action class-action suit filed – and everything you've worked your entire career for goes up in a cloud of class-action litigation smoke!
•Why Estate Transformation creates the best DOL Fiduciary rule NEW asset acquisition opportunity EVER! – Especially in today's highly regulated industry, even better than seminars, workshops, private luncheons or radio – and why your VERY economic survival, even your career, depends upon you BECOMING an Advanced Standard Of Care Estate Transformation™ certified advisor TODAY!
•…And MUCH, MUCH more!
Independent Reviews & Ratings From The Experts:
Michael P., Caldwell, NJ.

“In the past two weeks I wrote $770,000.00 of new Annuity business from using the platform. Clients came in for their sessions – and I learned about the new assets. Oh, and $100,000.00 in insurance premium also!”
Bill M., Wall, NJ.

“I'm very impressed that you invented something like this! There’s no reason why every advisor on the planet shouldn't do this. $1,200,000.00 in annuities and almost $800,000.00 on the other side of the coin with variable annuities and brokerage accounts, pretty close to $2,000,000.00 on two clients! I just marvel at how simple it is and how the ease of use is and how right it is for my client!”
Ron F., Palos Heights, IL.

“I've probably written somewhere in the area of around at least $5,000,000.00 in annuities and life insurance business with commissions of around maybe $350,000.00 to $400,000.00. Just for the month of May & June coming up here, we've got about $2,000,000.00 in the pipeline that we’re working on with the platform!”
Bill H., Argyle, TX.

“The number (of sessions) that I've actually done are five and I hit on four for we might as well call it $868,503.00, which would be about $77,000.00 in commissions! There’s no way I can’t write an additional $2,000,000.00 to $3,500,000.00. I know for a fact that this will get me to that $10,000,000.00 to $15,000,000.00 where right now I’m at that $6,000,000.00 to $7,000,000.00 level of annuities!”
Paul T., Mobile, AL.

“I've closed 13 out of 14 cases with the platform. It’s really a good program, if you count the (session) one we did the other day, we've made $100,000.00 in 8 weeks. 90 to 95% of the time you walk away with extra business through this! Get the program and run with it, try it out… it’ll make you money!”
Terry D., Roann, IN.

“I did my first one (session) last week and wrote $150,000.00. I went on my second one today and uncovered an additional $600,000.00! I got a business client that I have his 401K plan that I did an IRA rollover and when I went back in I took the demo (unit) and he started digging stuff out of his drawers, he says: “This is the most awesome thing we've ever seen!”
Mack H., Gainesville, GA.

“I received the platform components on July 15th – the very next day I met with some clients of mine that I just had term insurance on. I showed them the sample unit and the following week I wrote three annuities for $130,000.00!”
Enter Your Name And Email Address Above Now And Discover How Any Estate Transformation™ Certified Advisor Can Quickly And Easily Convert MILLIONS In NEW Conflicts Of Interest FREE Assets FAST! – Using The INCREDIBLE “Advanced Standard Of Care” Secrets To Estate Transformation Today!