…Transforming Advisor Practices Into *Conflicts Of Interest Free* 10X In AUM Estate Enrollment Machines!
Thursday, February 28, 2019 @ 2:00pm EST (11:00am PST)
Advanced Fiduciary Standard Of Care Webinar Begins in:
During this one-time-only live streaming industry event you will DISCOVER how this little-known “Advanced Fiduciary Standard Of Care” fin-tech start-up radically transforms advisor practices into conflicts of interest free 10X in AUM estate enrollment machines!
…Plus, how you too can quickly and easily become 1 of only 20 participatory Estate Transformation Project Development Affiliate “Industry Influencers” receiving a lucrative six (even seven) figure revenue share (and equity) stake from EVERY Estate Transformation advisor sale John Galt Institute makes! (As in Shark Tank style)
A time-sensitive advisor fin-tech opportunity to the AMAZING conflicts of interest free 10X in AUM estate enrollment machine any qualified advisor can use to quickly and easily scale tens of MILLIONS in NEW assets fast – ALL while operating “from behind” a virtually IMPENETRABLE breach of fiduciary duty firewall!
…During this exclusive registration only live streaming event, you will discover Advanced Fiduciary Standard of Care 10X in AUM practice expansion secrets like:
•How to meet, out maneuver and BEAT both State and Federal fiduciary standard legislation and regulation at its own under-law “standard of care” game!
•WARNING: Whether you want to admit it, like it, deny it, embrace it or not – it is inevitable folks. 3 States are already in the process of, or already have passed, their own fiduciary standard legislation. The SEC and DOL are NOW collaborating on a final Federally imposed version set to arrive 3rd quarter 2019. Over the next 24 months, the industry's hand will be forced, by regulators and legislators, into a NEW fiduciary best interest “standard of care”. The ONLY smart option, to avoid as much last minute pain and disruption as possible, is to proactively prepare, make ready, pivot, then simply execute and scale your own best interest standard of care. Or, on the other hand, possibly “die”. The resource rich BDs already have and will continue accommodating a significant investment in internal best interest standard of care technologies and processes. It's you, the maverick “independent” types, that WON'T be able to invest MILLIONS in tech and thousands of hours in standard of care process development. It's you, the Indy's, who are NOW in the fiduciary standard of care cross-hairs – who've everything to gain (if played right), and a lot to lose (if not).
•How to receive a lucrative six even seven figure revenue share stake from every national Estate Transformation sale made!
•How to snag a staggering seven figure equity stake potential in the world’s only post-Fiduciary Standard world order Advance Standard of Care technology platform provider!
•IMPORTANT: During this one-time only advisor fin-tech opportunity and Fiduciary Standard advisor survival event, an opportunity to participate in John Galt Institute’s internal Estate Transformation Advance Standard Of Care project development team will be extend to no more than 18 qualified individuals, including a highly lucrative participatory revenue share and equity stake. Whatever you do, you do NOT want to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime participatory opportunity. What’s more, the Fiduciary Standard aftershocks have already claimed thousands of advisor casualties (just ask State Farm's 12,000 advisors), and when the eventual regulatory driven “cause of action” effects kick in, it will absolutely devastate lifetimes of effort and career dreams. So, if you miss out on this sincere (and only) offer of REAL and fast approaching Fiduciary Standard freight train nullification help, not only will you be kicking yourself hard all the way to church on Sunday, you will be regretting it for the rest of your life!
•How to quickly, easily and exponentially scale your practice 10X, or more, in NEW AUM through Estate Transformation’s exclusive “Private Estate Reception™” syndicated estate enrollment events!
•How to make a fortune mopping up the “conflict of interest” mess other advisors, agents, clients, fiduciarys, CFPs, CPAs and estate planning attorney's have made!
•PICTURE THIS: Clients “enthusiastically” lining-up, single- file, outside your office with “boxes” of documents in hand – gratefully turning EVERYTHING mess-related over to “YOU!”…
•How to fully optimize, secure and then “paddalock” in a 3.5X practice succession valuation through Estate Transformation's “Practice Transformation” 3.5X succession optimization solution – and how you can achieve this MUCH, much sooner than you think!
•3.5X SUCCESSION: Most succession valuations come in at a dismal 1.5X valuation, rather than the ultimate and most enviable 3.5X valuation – and there are specific and significant reasons why. During this one-time-only event, were going to show you precisely what you need to do NOW to fix this, and how “locking in” a 3.5X valuation NOW is easier than you may think! After all, you've spent years building your practice, and when it comes time to exit, you shouldn't get cheated. No you deserve a fully optimized 3.5X valuation retirement exit, and during this event, were going to show you precisely how to get it!
•How to craft high-conversion conflicts of interest free advanced standard of care best interest sessions that offer ANY FINANCIAL SERVICES PRODUCT – no matter how unlikely you might think!
•Why every retirement advisor (and agent) should self-certify as a fiduciary NOW – and how this is MUCH, much easier than you think!
•DEMAND: Survey, after survey, after survey shows the investor marketplace not only wanting, but demanding an across the board fiduciary standard. What we're now seeing with various States, the SEC and the DOL, the Certified Financial Planner Board of Directors and with firms now willingly adopting and embracing a Fiduciary Standard, will ultimately result in the marketplace having and getting what it wants – irregardless of industry opposition. The KEY to these sorts of inevitable sea-change marketplace shifts, and dynamics, is to simply recognize early on what the marketplace wants and then be one of the first to simply “give it” what it wants. For those who do, they will end up the preferred and chosen winners.
•Why every advisor (especially fiduciaries) MUST now adopt and operate from behind a “preemptive” cause of action firewall – and why the unsettled “private cause of action” issue runs the risk of leaving you and your practice’s future economic survival entirely depending on it!
•THE ART OF WAR: Whether it's regulatory imposed or industry adopted, it may well no longer be a financial planning and recommendations first advisory game, but rather a cause of action mitigation “first-and-foremost”, THEN comes everything else advisor-related game. As Sun Tzu, the renown author of The Art Or War and famous Chinese military general and strategist said: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” And, “Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” The key to these sorts of sea-change issues, is to always stay one or two steps ahead of the sea-change now underway, instead of “Johnny come defeated lately.” The old adages: “Prepare for the worst, and expect the best.” and “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of gold.” are not only appropriate, but incredibly wise!
•How the Fiduciary Standard entirely flips and completely disrupts the industry compliance pyramid. With all things “under law” fiduciary related backed by hundreds of years of fiduciary case-law precedent, as fiduciary, your “under law” obligations and requirements will entirely supersede any corporate and/or regulatory imposed compliance. YES, you heard right! As fiduciary, your “under law” fiduciary obligations entirely TRUMP and SUPERSEDE any other imposed compliance schemes – and it is here, where all-things “fiduciary” related NOW gets VERY interesting:
•COMPLIANCE: Operating as “fiduciary” ultimately places “the court” (not the home office or regulatory agencies) in complete and total control of your personal “under law” fiduciary obligations. With you, the fiduciary, now first-in-line for potential cause of action related attack, and with most, if not all, fiduciary advisors no where near able to meet minimum “under law” requirements, all of this places you the “now wide open to potential cause of action and/or arbitration legal assault” fiduciary at significant and serious under law disadvantage. But, it doesn't have to be this way! … Now, for the first time EVER, as an participating Estate Transformation certified licensee, you WILL be able to entirely meet, accommodate and exceed all of your “under law” fiduciary obligations and requirements!
•Why the old-school approach of selling, pushing products or chasing assets AHEAD of the 5 KEY fiduciary requirements (3 under law and 2 accessory), may in and of itself run the risk of breach of fiduciary duty! YES, you heard “right” … with the act of “selling” itself presumed a “conflict of interest” – morphing into regulatory sanctions or worse, civil cause of action and/or arbitration, i.e. “selling” NOW becomes a deadly career ending conflict of interest cause of action snare!
•SELLING-SNARE: Look, operating as fiduciary requires adherence to a best interest standard. Sooner or later, should the product you're selling be questioned or deemed not in the best interest of the client, your act of offering or selling “it” becomes a deadly conflict of interest and breach of fiduciary duty. As fiduciary, you're “legally” obligated to 3 KEY fiduciary requirements, which in turn drives 2 additional “accessory” requirements with every single prospect and every single client. What's more, every single one of the 3 KEY under law fiduciary requirements take preferential legal precedent over selling, pushing products or chasing assets. Get the order of this mixed up, or reversed, and you MAY well be setting yourself up for instant legal jeopardy, and even disaster.
•How to flip any “conflict of interest” on its head, turning competitor “conflicts” into the biggest and most profitable NEW client acquisition and AUM goldmine ever!
•The 3 compensation disclosure steps every fiduciary advisor (and agent) must make to avoid creating an instant under law “self-dealing” conflict of interest – resulting in an indefensible arbitration and/or cause of action “ticking time bomb” condition and situation, especially if you’re an insurance only advisor!
•How to use the Fiduciary Standard as the greatest marketplace domination and competition leveling weapon that's ever been devised!
•DOMINATION: As mentioned earlier, if you've already got the 5 KEY fiduciary requirements covered and in hand, you can then effectively, and essentially, operate from a position of TOTAL freedom. Now able to infinitely scale your practice, without concern, while competition firms stumble and bumble around in the “practically impossible to scale” under-law fiduciary requirements darkness!
•How to pre-nullify, diffuse and entirely eliminate any potential for breach of fiduciary duty and its corresponding cause of action arbitration and/or civil litigation, WAY, way in advance!
•CAUSE OF ACTION TIP: This one, single, Estate Transformation feature alone is worth an ABSOLUTE fortune, as it will make YOU as arbitration and cause of action litigation stealthy (un-arbitrate-able and un-sue-able) as you can possibly get. What's more, by removing all conflicts of interest (causes of action), Estate Transformation INSTANTLY places you, and your practice, behind a virtually impenetrable “process driven” best interest Advanced Fiduciary Standard Of Care arbitration and/or cause of action civil litigation firewall – while undoubtedly steaming off a lot of potential (future) plaintiff attorneys, as it will NOW be incredibly difficult, if not entirely impossible, to find cause of action and arbitrate or file suit against you!
•The “magnetic-money” advanced standard of care method of raking in MOUNTAINS of NEW conflicts of interest free assets month after month – practically on auto-pilot!…
•How to escape the inconsistent, ever changing, highly competitive old-school “money problem” centric roller-coaster methods (annuity seminars, direct mail, social security planning, etc), most of which, under a fiduciary standard, can create an instant cause of action conflict of interest – and why Estate Transformation’s Private Estate Reception™ syndicated estate enrollment events outperform any other approach 30 to 1!
•HINT: Everyone, as in every single client estate needs this and wants it – including every, single, one, of your clients. Yet it can NEVER reach a point of saturation, nor ever run out of estates that need it, ever! Plus, NO ONE else (as in ZERO advisors) are doing this.
•And MUCH, MUCH more!
Independent Reviews & Ratings From The Experts:
Michael P., Caldwell, NJ.

“In the past two weeks I wrote $770,000.00 of new Annuity business from using the platform. Clients came in for their sessions – and I learned about the new assets. Oh, and $100,000.00 in insurance premium also!”
Bill M., Wall, NJ.

“I'm very impressed that you invented something like this! There’s no reason why every advisor on the planet shouldn't do this. $1,200,000.00 in annuities and almost $800,000.00 on the other side of the coin with variable annuities and brokerage accounts, pretty close to $2,000,000.00 on two clients! I just marvel at how simple it is and how the ease of use is and how right it is for my client!”
Ron F., Palos Heights, IL.

“I've probably written somewhere in the area of around at least $5,000,000.00 in annuities and life insurance business with commissions of around maybe $350,000.00 to $400,000.00. Just for the month of May & June coming up here, we've got about $2,000,000.00 in the pipeline that we’re working on with the platform!”
Bill H., Argyle, TX.

“The number (of sessions) that I've actually done are five and I hit on four for we might as well call it $868,503.00, which would be about $77,000.00 in commissions! There’s no way I can’t write an additional $2,000,000.00 to $3,500,000.00. I know for a fact that this will get me to that $10,000,000.00 to $15,000,000.00 where right now I’m at that $6,000,000.00 to $7,000,000.00 level of annuities!”
Paul T., Mobile, AL.

“I've closed 13 out of 14 cases with the platform. It’s really a good program, if you count the (session) one we did the other day, we've made $100,000.00 in 8 weeks. 90 to 95% of the time you walk away with extra business through this! Get the program and run with it, try it out… it’ll make you money!”
Terry D., Roann, IN.

“I did my first one (session) last week and wrote $150,000.00. I went on my second one today and uncovered an additional $600,000.00! I got a business client that I have his 401K plan that I did an IRA rollover and when I went back in I took the demo (unit) and he started digging stuff out of his drawers, he says: “This is the most awesome thing we've ever seen!”
Mack H., Gainesville, GA.

“I received the platform components on July 15th – the very next day I met with some clients of mine that I just had term insurance on. I showed them the sample unit and the following week I wrote three annuities for $130,000.00!”
John H., Bonita Springs, FL.

“I wanted to let you know your platform is a success. I use it on first and second appointments to show clients the type of service they can expect by doing business with me. Many clients do not turn over all their assets initially but by going back to update the platform on a quarterly basis, more and more assets make their way over because clients love it. I recently had a million dollar client start with me with a small annuity and a small managed account. Within a year, we are now managing his whole portfolio. We love the platform.”
Robby W., Grandbury, TX.

“I have used the platform for one and a half years and am very satisfied with the product. It has helped bring in new premium, referrals, and keeps me organized and in the know with each one of my clients financial information. My clients enjoy having a tangible process detailing their financial information and history. It's an added service that helps my client's appreciation for our firm stay strong!”
Tony R., San Diego, CA.

“I have been using the platform's sample unit as a front end piece. People are impressed and I have two ready to come in for their sessions.”
Peter D., Livonia, MI.

“Last week I had a client appreciation dinner and we had 55 people attend. Before the dinner, I made a short presentation in which I shared about the changes that have occurred in our practice; a short overview of fixed indexed annuities and a summary of ways we could help them. During this presentation, I used a brief PowerPoint presentation I developed highlighting our platform we were making available to them. We gave each buying unit a yellow response card and asked them to mark anything they had seen in the presentation that they were interested in getting in place for themselves. I kid you not, EVERY SINGLE ONE wanted me to help them with your platform! Since that time, I have been scheduling appointments and have not had any problem with anyone not taking my call. Everyone is excited to get this in place to feel confident about their family finances. I will keep you up to date on the results of these meetings, but I just wanted to send a big “THANK YOU” for your program!”
Andrew A., Guilford, CT.

“I purchased this because I’m all about service! 20 yrs ago I came into this business from the ministry. I was all about service in ministry (not “sales”) and that is what I made as a conscious decision to run my business – by service! 19 yrs ago I wanted a good review process and report, as the large mutual company I represented promoted annual sessions. Over this time I have had mostly frustration in trying to come up with a good report. At one point, that large mutual company decided to develop their own software and used me as a pilot for it. That was good at first, but then they proprietorised (if this a word) it and ruined it. Then, I had a good reporting system on a short lived contact management system; that was probably the best – but not without faults. This program is the best I’ve seen since. It looks GREAT! And then the added methodology and tracks/scripts – VERY NICE! As I said, I have ideas, suggestions and questions I’ll send later. Nice job – Thanks!”
Peter T., Dublin, OH.

“I enjoyed catching up with what’s new with the platform. My partner and I have had good success – but admit we are just getting our feet wet over the past few months. When we were able to do a complete session with the Suitability Questionnaire (great tool) and the Worksheet – as a prelude to putting the platform together – we had a very high percentage of moving money whether it was into Life Insurance or Annuities. The process gives you so much credibility with a client. I would say adding up the premium we have moved as a direct result of the platform, is that it is in the area of $900,000.00 – and we are just getting our feet wet! Definitely got our investment back for the program. Thanks for all your support while we were getting up to speed!”
Michael P., Caldwell, NJ.

“In the past two weeks I wrote $770,000.00 of new Annuity business from using the platform. Clients came in for their sessions – and I learned about the new assets. Oh, and $100,000.00 in insurance premium also!”
Bill M., Wall, NJ.

“I'm very impressed that you invented something like this! There’s no reason why every advisor on the planet shouldn't do this. $1,200,000.00 in annuities and almost $800,000.00 on the other side of the coin with variable annuities and brokerage accounts, pretty close to $2,000,000.00 on two clients! I just marvel at how simple it is and how the ease of use is and how right it is for my client!”
Ron F., Palos Heights, IL.

“I've probably written somewhere in the area of around at least $5,000,000.00 in annuities and life insurance business with commissions of around maybe $350,000.00 to $400,000.00. Just for the month of May & June coming up here, we've got about $2,000,000.00 in the pipeline that we’re working on with the platform!”
Bill H., Argyle, TX.

“The number (of sessions) that I've actually done are five and I hit on four for we might as well call it $868,503.00, which would be about $77,000.00 in commissions! There’s no way I can’t write an additional $2,000,000.00 to $3,500,000.00. I know for a fact that this will get me to that $10,000,000.00 to $15,000,000.00 where right now I’m at that $6,000,000.00 to $7,000,000.00 level of annuities!”
Paul T., Mobile, AL.

“I've closed 13 out of 14 cases with the platform. It’s really a good program, if you count the (session) one we did the other day, we've made $100,000.00 in 8 weeks. 90 to 95% of the time you walk away with extra business through this! Get the program and run with it, try it out… it’ll make you money!”
Terry D., Roann, IN.

“I did my first one (session) last week and wrote $150,000.00. I went on my second one today and uncovered an additional $600,000.00! I got a business client that I have his 401K plan that I did an IRA rollover and when I went back in I took the demo (unit) and he started digging stuff out of his drawers, he says: “This is the most awesome thing we've ever seen!”
Mack H., Gainesville, GA.

“I received the platform components on July 15th – the very next day I met with some clients of mine that I just had term insurance on. I showed them the sample unit and the following week I wrote three annuities for $130,000.00!”
John H., Bonita Springs, FL.

“I wanted to let you know your platform is a success. I use it on first and second appointments to show clients the type of service they can expect by doing business with me. Many clients do not turn over all their assets initially but by going back to update the platform on a quarterly basis, more and more assets make their way over because clients love it. I recently had a million dollar client start with me with a small annuity and a small managed account. Within a year, we are now managing his whole portfolio. We love the platform.”
Robby W., Grandbury, TX.

“I have used the platform for one and a half years and am very satisfied with the product. It has helped bring in new premium, referrals, and keeps me organized and in the know with each one of my clients financial information. My clients enjoy having a tangible process detailing their financial information and history. It's an added service that helps my client's appreciation for our firm stay strong!”
Tony R., San Diego, CA.

“I have been using the platform's sample unit as a front end piece. People are impressed and I have two ready to come in for their sessions.”
Peter D., Livonia, MI.

“Last week I had a client appreciation dinner and we had 55 people attend. Before the dinner, I made a short presentation in which I shared about the changes that have occurred in our practice; a short overview of fixed indexed annuities and a summary of ways we could help them. During this presentation, I used a brief PowerPoint presentation I developed highlighting our platform we were making available to them. We gave each buying unit a yellow response card and asked them to mark anything they had seen in the presentation that they were interested in getting in place for themselves. I kid you not, EVERY SINGLE ONE wanted me to help them with your platform! Since that time, I have been scheduling appointments and have not had any problem with anyone not taking my call. Everyone is excited to get this in place to feel confident about their family finances. I will keep you up to date on the results of these meetings, but I just wanted to send a big “THANK YOU” for your program!”
Register above NOW and discover how this little-known fin-tech start-up radically transforms advisor practices into conflicts of interest free 10X in AUM estate enrollment machines! Using the INCREDIBLE “Advanced Fiduciary Standard Of Care” secrets to Estate Transformation today!